Why the Government Hates Gold

Why the Government Hates Gold

Maestro By Bill Bonner
PostedAugust 4, 2015

Bill Bonner explains why gold stands in the way of the government and welfare statists, and the process of deficit spending…

The Difference Between Currency Wars and Financial Wars

The Difference Between Currency Wars and Financial Wars

Maestro By James Rickards
PostedNovember 4, 2014

If a global financial collapse eventually occurs, as Jim Rickards surmises, it will amount to a massive crisis of confidence in the world’s paper currencies – specifically the US dollar. And with every dollar the Fed prints, this theoretical collapse becomes all the more likely… Jim Rickards explains in this interview with Henry Bonner…

A Win-Win Scenario for Gold Investors

A Win-Win Scenario for Gold Investors

Maestro By James Rickards
PostedOctober 14, 2014

The US economy is set upon by two opposing forces – inflation and deflation. Right now they’re more or less in check – each one working against the other to produce a fairly benign influence on the overall economy. But eventually one will emerge victorious. And when that happens, as Jim Rickards explains, gold investors will come out on top. Read on…

All Eyes on the Swiss Gold Referendum

All Eyes on the Swiss Gold Referendum

Maestro By Ron Paul
PostedOctober 8, 2014

The Swiss gold referendum in November is far more important that many people realize. The outcome could quell or confirm doubts about the amount of physical gold available at the New York Fed. And that could send the price of gold higher by multiples. Dr. Ron Paul brings you up to speed on what’s happening in Switzerland…