U.S. Must Turn to Russia to Contain China

U.S. Must Turn to Russia to Contain China

By James Rickards
Posted June 28, 2019

A Russian-Chinese plan to encircle Eurasia?…

Saudis Threaten to End Petrodollar

Saudis Threaten to End Petrodollar

By James Rickards
Posted April 8, 2019

Would the U.S. have actually invaded Saudi Arabia to seize its oil?… How the U.S. Congress may provoke the Saudis into dropping the dollar…

Expect Oil to Rebound

Expect Oil to Rebound

By James Rickards
Posted November 26, 2018

“Now it’s Saudi Arabia’s turn to get even by reducing supply and driving prices higher”…

“Oil Shock!”

“Oil Shock!”

By Brian Maher
Posted June 8, 2018

Nobody is worried about an “oil shock” right now — should you be?… “Oil shocks are prophets — not partners — of economic downturns”…