Nomi Prins on the World Financial System in 2017

Nomi Prins on the World Financial System in 2017

By Craig Wilson
PostedDecember 19, 2016

The Daily Reckoning interviewed Nomi Prins in Europe for an exclusive on what is in store for the world financial system in 2017. Find her full analysis here…

The Fed's Nightmare Scenario

The Fed's Nightmare Scenario

By Peter Schiff
PostedFebruary 26, 2016

Once markets figure out that the Fed is all hat and no cattle when it comes to fighting inflation, the biggest bubble of them all – the one in U.S. Treasuries -may finally be pricked. Peter Schiff has the story…

A Full Trunk of Combustible Junk - The Wages of ZIRP

A Full Trunk of Combustible Junk - The Wages of ZIRP

By David Stockman
PostedDecember 16, 2015

Even as ZIRP and QE have failed to rejuvenate the main street economy, they did trigger a far-reaching scramble for yield that has now left the casino bobby-trapped with FEDS (financially explosive devices). The current rumblings in the junkyard are just the warning signs of the explosions sure to follow. David Stockman reports…

The Shadow Rate Casts Gloom

The Shadow Rate Casts Gloom

By Peter Schiff
PostedNovember 16, 2015

Each of the last three easing cycles took rates lower than where they were at the end of the prior easing cycle. Given that the fed funds rate is at zero, one shudders to think how low the Fed is prepared to go the next time around. Peter Schiff reports…