Where Are the Yachts of the Investors?
Dear Reader,
An out-of-town visitor, ears a-perk and eyes a-pop, signs onto a bus tour of New York City…
The tour concludes at the downtown waterfront, just down the holler from the Financial District.
The nautical estates of the 1% bob in the easy swells off Lower Manhattan.
“Here are the yachts of our bankers and stockbrokers,” gloats the tour guide, beaming with local pride.
Then comes the priceless response of our out-of-town visitor:
“And where are the yachts of the investors?”
Indeed, where are the yachts of the investors?
Our own Alan Knuckman, for one, demands a square answer…
Alan is an expert hand with over two decades navigating the market’s treacherous shoals.
He’s a trader’s trader… and a force of the trading world.
Alan began clerking on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) some 25 years ago.
Through brains and sweat he shimmied the ranks, from runner, phone clerk, broker… all the way to professional trader.
The journey from clerk to floor trader has given Alan a Ph.D.-level education in markets.
He’s seen all… done all… knows which closets house skeletons… where bodies lie buried.
So he’s pursued hard by the financial media.
Alan regularly appears on major financial news outlets like CNN, Bloomberg TV, Fox Business Network, CNN, Sky News and CNBC.
But Alan’s tired and sick of the Wall Street racket that puts bankers and brokers in yachts… and everyday investors in steerage:
As someone who didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, I knew it wasn’t fair for the insiders to get richer while the rest feed on the table scraps in the markets. That single fact ate away at me year after year.
Now Alan’s out to set things right for the average investor.
“You see,” begins Alan, “we’ve all suspected that Wall Street was rigged against everyday investors.
“But it’s worse than we thought,” he howls.
Alan cites evidence from the University of Southern California…
That research shows corporate insiders often give family and friends valuable market intelligence on upcoming events.
These events run from mergers and acquisitions… to the results of clinical drug trials… regulatory announcements… earnings results, etc.
The conspirators then place trades based on that information…
After analyzing 1,139 of these cases, the USC research concluded:
Insiders earn substantial returns by trading in advance of specific corporate events.
According to Alan, research shows that the average return was a thumping 34.9%.
And that’s over an average of just 21 trading days.
The same research also shows these insiders made off with a median $72,000 per trade.
Pretty handsome.
Meantime, the everyday investor goes scratching.
“Does that seem fair to you?” thunders Alan.
Answering his own question: “Of course not!”
So Alan’s out to break the insiders’ iron grip — even if it means breaking some china in the process.
He’s taken his talents and put them in the service of the everyday investor.
Alan pokes his snout into obscure crannies of the markets… and sniffs out pearls for his readers.
Of 11 closed positions in Alan’s portfolio right now, all 11 ended in the green, for combined gains of over 700%.
Given Alan’s record, we expect more of the same (go here to learn how you can take advantage of Alan’s trading expertise).
We wish Alan well in his ongoing mission to break Wall Street’s monopoly… for it is our own mission.
Where are the yachts of the investors?
Hopefully due to Alan’s trading talents, one day soon we’ll be able to point to the yacht of a Daily Reckoning reader or two…
Who knows… maybe even yours…
Happy New Year,
Brian Maher
Managing editor, The Daily Reckoning