We’ve all grown up believing that one of the key exports from the Middle East is oil. And yes, that’s true. But now, in the past year, about 2 million “migrants” have left Africa and the Middle East and basically invaded Europe. I’m sure you’ve seen accounts. Let’s say that “only” 1% of these migrants are ill-intentioned toward the West (it’s likely much more, per Interpol and FBI accounts). What’s 1% of 2 million? That’s 20,000 people… and in the Army, they call that “two divisions.” But two divisions require a large military base, right? Not exactly — not when you have Europe’s welfare states to provide food, housing and walk-around cash. Not when there’s the Internet, from which potential terrorists and wannabes can download everything they need. And not when Saudi Arabia has funded over 50,000 mosques and madrassas across the world, staffed with hard-line Islamists — and often a source of weapons, as we’ve recently learned from France. Now let’s say those 20,000 radicalized people break into small terror cells. How much trouble could a couple thousand terror cells cause? Well, 19 terrorists — 15 were Saudi — caused carnage on 9/11 and instantly cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars. A few dozen people caused the Beslan, Russia, massacre of 385 people in 2004. Fewer than 10 bad guys perpetrated the Paris massacre last year, killing about 130. We don’t have all the details about the recent attacks in Brussels that killed 35 people last week. But investigators believe they were carried out by the same cell behind last November’s attacks in Paris. Closer to home, San Bernardino was two people — husband and wife — killing 14, and gravely injuring dozens more, within minutes. Former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken has written extensively about the growing probability of a looming “Tet Offensive” by Islamist terrorists across Europe, North America and more. Bracken’s reference is to the 1968 battle in Vietnam, when Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops appeared out of nowhere to wreak havoc: A Paris or Beslan attack takes 10 jihadists, operating in pairs with controllers on cellphones. One percent of [just] a million means 1,000 major attacks, but the effects will be vastly magnified by the synergistic effects as the anti-terror police are overwhelmed and burned out… Europe will be at war this year. Once the European war detonates, it’s going to rip open like a zipper or a fault line from the North Sea to the Indian Ocean. Think the European banks are failing now? How will the economy run in a continent engaged in bloody civil war?
In the U.S. right now, according to the FBI, law enforcement is tracking over 900 “active” potential terrorists in all 50 states. Astonishing. Terrorists in Alaska? North Dakota? Here’s more from Bracken: Imagine a ‘Super Tet Offensive,” with every type of target on the hit list from airports to zoological parks, each being assaulted by an eight-man squad of such killers. Some attacks smaller, some larger, from pairs to platoons in strength. To paraphrase the long-deceased Leon Trotsky, you may not be interested in this war, but this war is interested in you. This story has a wide footprint. And while I’ll admit that we’re in the early stages of what could be a catastrophic wave of terrorism and anti-Christian attacks, this story simply must be on your radar. From a military standpoint — or that of the FBI, CIA and Department of Homeland Security — this won’t be an easy war to win. You know that. I know that. We’re fighting an ideology with deep roots and long-reaching tentacles. For decades, Middle East terrorism has run rampant. Decades ago, we saw “Palestinian” terrorism, such as with 1972 Olympics in Munich. Then mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s… then the Taliban splintered off in the ’90s… Meanwhile, we saw the rise of al-Qaida throughout the Middle East… Today we’ve got ISIS. These groups differ in time, place and some ideology. But they all utilize brutal terrorist tactics and the desire to indoctrinate the world with hard-line, ruthless Islamic law. Today this situation is much worse than ever before. With breakdowns in many Middle Eastern and North African governments, terrorist groups like ISIS are gaining legitimate footholds. Combine that with the onset of the Internet and global connectivity — and their reach is much more effective than in years past. The “black flag” is spreading. Sure, the U.S. will throw billions upon billions of dollars at this “war” — both domestic and abroad. But the way we’re fighting it today, we won’t win. We can’t spend our way out of this type of conflict. And we can’t effectively fight an ideology with politically correct blinders on. It’ll take money, and… honest thinking! I hope you understand the seriousness of this situation. And frankly, if you’re a bit unnerved or worried, you should be. Let’s cover one more important part of this story. This could be the powder keg ISIS has been waiting for… that’s the Saudi connection. Saudi Arabia is in the midst of internal revolution. There’s an elderly king and a young defense minister who’s filled with zeal and ambition. A power struggle is unfolding. At the same time, the U.S. is offering less support to Saudi, along the lines of President Obama’s “detente” with Iran. There’s a real probability that Saudi’s royal family will fall and radicals within that nation will take over all the money, oil assets and U.S.-supplied military equipment and munitions that fill Saudi vaults. Then the overall radical Islam movement will become even better funded. Now imagine that just a “little bit” of success in global jihad breeds further unrest. Then the jihad revolutionary cancer will grow. If you don’t think Saudi could become the largest ISIS breeding ground in the entire Middle East, think again. Remember, there’s much evidence — some of which the U.S. government holds as “classified” — that directly ties Saudi radicals to the 9/11 attacks. There’s also the Saudi connection to the recent terror attack in San Bernardino; after all, Mrs. San Bernardino was raised in that desert land. Her radical roots run deep. Meanwhile, the kingdom’s relationship with the U.S. is crumbling. Indeed, if Saudi Arabia was able to aid ISIS or fundamental terror while in good standing with the U.S., just imagine what happens when that cordial relationship ends. I’m not saying this to be alarmist. These are facts. Facts are coming together on this story quickly. In all my training and several career paths — to include my scientific training at Harvard and over 30 years in the U.S. Navy — I learned to follow the facts! All in all, the U.S. is not mentally geared for the coming firestorm. In this new religious war, the typical Western mind is what military professionals describe as an “unprepared battlefield.” Eventually, people will wake up. Sooner, I hope, not later. When blinders finally come off, it’ll be a nightmare to realize what’s happening. And if this situation gets legs, watch out. We’ll find ourselves fighting a form of “crusade” — and I use that word intentionally, whether you’re religious or not. It might not be your crusade, but the enemy has a vote too. Best wishes, Byron King for The Daily Pfennig P.S. Be sure to sign up for The Daily Reckoning — a free and entertaining look at the world of finance and politics. The articles you find here on our website are only a snippet of what you receive in The Daily Reckoning email edition. Click here now to sign up for FREE to see what you’re missing. |