Movie Tech Comes to Life
The FBI is currently engaged in a massive overhaul of its security and identification systems. The key to this overhaul, and the future of high-tech security, will involve biometric identification.
We’ve all seen the science fiction movies in which police and other authority figures employ powerful and complex biometric identification methods. Mobile fingerprint detection and iris scans are the first to come to mind. Now these tools are moving from the big screen to reality.
Right now, the FBI is developing its Next Generation Identification System, an expansion of the agency’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System. The feds are moving beyond traditional fingerprinting databases — opting instead for sophisticated biometric identification techniques.
This new strategy for the FBI comes at a price. Of the nearly $8 billion in the agency’s FY2010 budget request, $97.6 million was reserved for the development of a biometrics technology center. The private biometric industry is growing rapidly, too. In 2009, industry-wide revenue is estimated at $3.4 billion. By 2014, this number is expected to grow considerably, to $9.4 billion, according to the International Biometrics Group.
I just gave information on my favorite biometrics play to Bulletin Board Elite readers. This company is quickly establishing itself as the leader in fingerprint-based biometric identification. And it’s ready to reward early investors who recognize its potential when it comes to lightning-fast next-generation fingerprint technology.