The Hidden Reason Why Stocks Are Tumbling...
LONDON – Whew!
The Dow shot up yesterday morning and fell in the afternoon. Not a good sign.
We have to be careful not to say anything controversial today. Otherwise, we won’t be able to keep up with the mail. (Catch up on Bill’s controversial essays about the Oregon situation here and here.)
What other people think matters. People get upset – even homicidal – over ideas and myths, not reality.
Catholic, Protestant, Shiite, Sunni, Democrat, Republican, land rights in the West… captured U.S. soldiers… racial slurs… the master race… Manifest Destiny… terrorism… global warming – there is no idea so bogus it can’t be the cause of a government program or a massacre.
Thoughts – like viruses – enter the brains of humans and take control of them.
Then, acting as though they know what they are doing, people try to “improve” the world around them. They tax, kill, argue, torture, demonstrate, seize public land, write letters to the editor, and call up Rush Limbaugh.
Ditto to that!
Worthy Causes
The cause is always a worthy one, of course.
And there are always people to blame… people standing in the way of a better world.
They must be forced to wear seatbelts and sign up for health insurance – for their own good.
The Johnny Rebs must be kept in the Union. Incomes should be more “equitable.” Trade should be fair. Hey, what about the Declaration of Independence? And don’t forget to free the Holy Land!
What you think is what you get… no matter how absurd. And then, reality imposes itself, and you get something else altogether, often the exact opposite of what you wanted.
Reality doesn’t care what you think. Thoughts hardly matter. Reality happens whether you want it or not. Nobody threatens his weatherman when the temperature falls; everyone knows it’s not his fault.
The sun shines. We grow old and die. Three aces beat two pair.
So, what are markets? Myth? Or reality?
Answer: They are both.
In the short run, they are myth spinners. If everyone believes the economy is healthy and prices will rise, they probably will rise… at least for a while.
But in the long run, reality sets in. No matter how many people expect – and want – prices to continue to go up, at some point, they will go down.
No amount of wishful thinking can erase debt, create profits, or stop markets from going up and down. There is always some truth that overrides delusions, myths, and groupthink.
Poverty, Misery, and Quasi-Slavery
Think back to the all the 20th century experiments with socialism and central planning; Russia, China, and Venezuela come to mind readily.
Did they lead to the workers’ paradise that the proles were promised? Did they create the rational, productive, and fair economies that people expected?
Nope! They led to poverty, misery, and quasi-slavery for millions of people.
Even the most fantastical myths have real consequences. Pity the poor virgin; she dismissed a myth as “superstition.” Then, they tossed her in the volcano anyway.
Then when the grumbling volcano grew silent: “Look, it worked,” they said, giving each other high fives until the hot ash fell on their heads and the burning lava covered their feet.
One of the most surprising and disturbing myths today is the myth of “terrorism.”
This is not to say that there aren’t real flesh-and-blood terrorists. But they are hardly a serious threat to the U.S. or to its people.
And “going after terrorists” doesn’t necessarily make you safer… as the invasion of Iraq proved in spades.
But the power of the myth is so strong that every Republican presidential candidate believes it will take him to the White House.
The politicos ride the myth; then the myth rides them.
From Dream to Nightmare
Take Hitler’s myth that Germany had to build up its army to wipeout enemies on all sides and gain “living space.”
At first, it seemed to make sense. Then the myth began a trend. And the trend took on a life of its own.
Soon, there was no stopping the Nazis’ “security industry” – led by Hitler himself.
His Thousand-Year Reich stormed over Europe for six years. Then it met its own horrific apocalypse. The dream had brought its own nightmare. Germany was bombed, defeated, destroyed. The supposedly invincible Wehrmacht had provoked the Red Army; once roused, the Reds were unstoppable.
Reality was grim. Roughly 1 out of every 10 Germans – more than 7 million of them – died in the war. The invading Soviet soldiers raped thousands of German women… and countless others committed suicide to avoid this fate. And Germany’s Jewish population was almost totally wiped out.
Investing in a myth can bring the same perverse results. Investors piled into stocks after 2009 because they believed a potent myth: The Fed had “saved the day.” Bernanke was a hero. We were on the road to recovery.
The more widespread the belief became (and let’s not forget that it was supported by the Fed’s EZ money), the more stocks rose… apparently confirming the truth of it.
But the higher the stock market went… and the more debt increased… the more the whole shebang wobbled and lurched.
Now, investors may get what they least want: a deep and extended bear market.
Originally posted at Bill Bonner’s Diary, right here.
P.S. Bill expects a violent monetary shock, in which the dollar — the physical, paper dollar — disappears. And he believes it will be foreshadowed by something even rarer and more unexpected — the disappearance of cash dollars.
Many Americans don’t see this coming because of what psychologists call “willful blindness.” But Bill has taken the extraordinary step of assembling the full shocking details in a special report. To get full details on what Bill calls the “Great American Credit Collapse”, click here right now.