Worried About Obamacare? The Government’s “Federal Data Hub” Is Here to Help
If you’re confused about the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as “Obamacare,” worry not. The federal government has conveniently used your tax money to hire “patient navigators” to help you understand… and enroll you in the program.
These otherwise unassuming civil servants will help you learn about the act, navigate its complexities, and select the benefits that fit your criteria.
They will also have access to your personal information. All of it.
According to National Review Online, “patient navigators” will help people enroll in the exchanges. To help things run smoothly, they will also have access to the massive Federal Data Services Hub.
What’s the Federal Data Services Hub, you ask?
“The federal government is planning to quietly enact what could be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic,” USA Today helpfully explained in December 2012. The hub will “bring together information about you and your family from the Treasury Department and IRS, the Department of Homeland Security [and] the Department of Justice…”
In other words, it will make it easier for government officials to make sure you’re complying with their mandate. No one has said much about the “one-stop shop” they’re setting up for hackers looking to steal identities.
“The potential for abuse is staggering,” the USA Today’s writers felt the need to add.
Lest you’re becoming skeptical, let us put your mind to ease. In June, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that HHS is considering allowing navigators to assist with outreach and enrollment even before completing their formal training. There will be no criminal background checks required for them. In fact, they won’t even have to have high school diplomas.
During a recent hearing, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee lawyers also learned navigators will have access to your Social Security number and tax returns.
On July 17, The Daily Reckoning observed several bizarre government plans for promoting Obamacare. As the PR campaign heats up, you can expect to be dazzled by promos everywhere, from bottles of sunscreen to reality TV. The effort to make the law popular is, umn, unprecedented. The push to save it from its own complexity may be as well.
P.S. President Obama discreetly told something to top health care officials that will soon give rise to a health system radically worse than Obamacare. Find out more here.