Scenes from a Hostile Occupation
“What do we want?”
“Whatever they have!”
“And when do we want it?”
Occupy Wall Street. Now here’s a movement any jilted dolt can get behind. An impromptu grievance swap meet for the fleeced and the scammed; it’s practically designed to attract them.
Got a problem? Want something for free? Think “profit” is a dirty word? Well, get on down to Wall Street and tell the occupiers! They’ll paint your concern on a placard and march gruffly up and down the pavement. They’ll beat the drums. They’ll sing the chants…and they’ll lay the blame squarely at the feet of exactly the wrong people. Then, after demanding more of exactly what is not needed (rules, regulation, state intervention, central planning and other holier-than-thou government meddling), they’ll kick back in the newly and oddly named Liberty Square, soundly content in the knowledge that they did something…even if it was precisely the wrong thing.
People are protesting, “occupying,” cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean today, Columbus Day. Good for them. The protesters don’t necessarily know what they want, of course…they just know they don’t want what they have. Instead, they want some of somebody else’s…just like everybody else does. And they want the hired gun of the state to seize and deliver it for them…just like everybody else does.
One thing these folk do know is that, somewhere along the way, they were dealt a hand from the bottom of the deck. They got ripped off. And so, quite understandably, they’re angry, persistent and dedicated to the cause. Their wages are stagnant or falling. Their lifestyle is gradually coming into line with their dwindling budget. Many of “the other 99%,” as they call themselves, don’t even have a job to otherwise fill their day. For them, a protest is as good as a walk in the park. The occupiers know they’ve been stiffed. And it’s not hard to see why.
Banksters get big bailouts…and big bonuses to boot. Too-Big-To-Fail institutions get thrown taxpayer-funded lifelines…while their reckless CEOs get golden parachutes. This is a terrible mess, no doubt about it. The money the government stole from the occupiers has been unfairly distributed (mostly to the top, politically well-connected 1%). But instead of calling out the thief, they’re lining up the beneficiaries. Corporate America cashed checks against the occupiers’ stolen property. This much is true. But half of all Americans are net recipients of government welfare. Apparently nobody has a problem accepting stolen goods…they just want to make sure they get their “fair share” of the loot.
So what’s their solution to a “fairer” distribution? More for everybody! Free education…universal healthcare…free anything that’s big enough to slap a “basic human right” tag on. More state, in other words. More theft. More guns. Is that what we really want? The crowd certainly seems to think so. And the crowd is getting louder. Beware.
As Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio succinctly puts it, “If the state is the solution, and the state has more power [than] it’s ever had before in its life, then why are things getting worse?”
No. More state is not the answer. It never is. And those advocating it are to be treated with, at best, cautious suspicion. Fellow Reckoners are urged to stay back and watch the circus from a safe distance. They are advised only to take note that the mob grows louder by the day…and to be mindful of the distance between their own property and the advancing front of the picket line.
“What do we want?”
“Whatever they have!”
“And when do we want it?”
Of course, co-opting the anger of downtrodden individuals — however misguided they may be — is a specialty of the state. Already politicians have begun flocking to the scene of discontent, each promising their own cure for what ails…in exchange, no doubt, for voter sympathy and support. These people are cogs in the machine, thieves in the night. They are part of an experiment that has resulted in the largest military build-up the world has ever seen…the deepest debt that has ever been tallied…the largest imperial power ever known to man.
Isn’t it time for a new experiment? One that doesn’t involve the redistribution of stolen goods? One that doesn’t rely on coercion, on paid-for privileges for one group at the expense of another, on what Mr. Molyneux correctly calls the “bribe-ocracy” of the state? A new experiment is coming, Fellow Reckoner. In fact, in some places around the world, it’s already begun. Stay tuned…
Joel Bowman
for The Daily Reckoning