DC Shakedown: The Most Important Harlem Shake You'll Ever See

“I laughed so hard,” one reader comments, “watched again, laughed even harder…”

“That is the funniest **** I’ve seen all year,” agrees another. “Sums it all up.”

“Bernanke, Congress critters and the White House,” comments a third “are dancing the D.C. Shake (-Down) on the graves of taxpayers.”

Back in the day, when we started in this business, our friend and mentor Bill Bonner cautioned us to apply what he called the Presbyterian standard to our writing. If you don’t feel like you could show your mother… it’s probably a tad too racy.

We’re certain this video violates the standard. Yet the tone and tenor of public discourse these days seems to demand crass, baseless humor.

“It’s good for multiple viewings,” a viewer of the short wrote soon after the blog site Zero Hedge picked it up last night. “Rat Face Timmy and Blankfein’s s^&t-eating grin, priceless… I laughed.”

“Laughed my ass off,” another writes, “but the thought of some of those freaks humping is quite disturbing.”

“LOL!” writes a sixth. “Yes, sadly, so true, the comic value is multiplied by our misery. What a… lying, two-faced, mammon-grubbing, good-for-nothing rogues’ gallery of traitors.”


“It’s no laughing matter,” yet another reader admonishes on Zero Hedge, once again proving there’s one in every crowd. “A corporatist, semifascist state always has the same trade for the middle class: a decline in living standards in exchange for jobs for a shrinking number of middle-class people (the underclass just doesn’t matter).

“Ya gotta hope that once Americans wake up and realize that the US government has become explicitly fascist, they will overthrow it. But you never know! One thing they are waking up to, however: It seems they now realize that the US government is not for EVERYONE. We’re at the stage where public opinion knows that it is now only for MOST people.”

As of this writing, the ditty has 11,372 views on YouTube. The comments you’ll read there are even more aggressive than those we’ve republished here. If you’re sensitive to four-letter words, you probably don’t want to show this to your mother, either.

Or take a look… and leave your own sanitized comments there on the YouTube site.

Addison Wiggin
for The Daily Reckoning

The Daily Reckoning