Crowd Investing Explained

You may have heard about the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act. What you may not know is that it just opened up an incredibly lucrative new option for direct investment that has not existed for most of us in 80 years.

In the wake of the 1929 crash, laws governing investing were passed that made direct investment in a business the exclusive domain of people called “accredited” investors: essentially, professional, government-sanctioned investors with very deep pockets. These investors have been raking in cash on private equity deals for years. The rest of us have been left out in the cold.

As of September 2013, all that has changed.

Now any investor with enough capital can legally invest in a startup and potentially produce enormous gains. In this video exclusive by The Daily Reckoning, you’ll get a brief overview about equity crowdfunding, and learn why this is so important for investors like you!

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