Cramer gets his way next month?

Is this a case of when Jim Cramer throws a snit, Ben Bernanke listens?

The market is now pricing in nearly 100% odds that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by the end of September, analysts at Action Economics said. Following news that French bank BNP Paribas suspended three funds due to a lack of liquitity, Fed fund futures, which price the odds of moves in the central bank's key rate, rallied amid safe-haven moves, Action Economics said. The result is that the market "now show a 25 basis point rate cut by next month with nearly 100% probability, with another 25 basis cut seen as increasingly likely by the end of the first quarter [of next year]," it said.

Granted, Cramer's tantrum on Friday did not yield immediate results in the form of a rate cut on Tuesday, but at least one person caught Cramer on TV Monday seeming much more sanguine about the prospect of a rate cut on the way eventually.

So what happens after a new round of rate cuts begins?  If you missed it, check out the near-term outlook (next few months) offered up yesterday by Strategic Investment's Dan Amoss.

The Daily Reckoning