A Graceful Way Around Obamacare Mandates

Although the mainstream media have turned its attention away from the wreckage of Obamacare, don’t think for a second that all is well.

As the politicos in D.C. focus their attention on the midterm elections in November, now is a great time to study, prepare, and seek out the most affordable, accessible, and highest quality options for you and your family.

“The Affordable Care Act is…creating financial problems for middle-class consumers.”

As far as health care cost is concerned, the only group that will be paying less under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), i.e., Obamacare, are low-income individuals who will receive subsidized care through state and federal exchanges.

The Heartlander Magazine points to a recent study by from Gov. Bobby Jindal that shows that “Americans have faced a cumulative $6,388 higher premium costs per individual and $18,610 per family under Obama’s policies.”

Due to the onerous, one-size-fits-all mandates under the ACA you’re certain to see significant price increases in insurance premiums, deductibles, and co-pays.

Multiple national media sources, like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and The New York Times just to name a few, have coined the term “insurance premium and deductible rate shock,” as a consequence of Obamacare?

CBS MoneyWatch reported: “The Affordable Care Act is turning out to be less affordable for some consumers, which it attributed to plans that carry huge deductibles, creating financial problems for middle-class consumers.”

This is stating it mildly since “some bronze-level plans, the lowest level of coverage, carry deductibles as high as $12,700 per year for a family of four.”

This means that if you or one of your family members fall and break a leg under an ACA exchange plan, you would immediately be set back almost $13,000, before your insurance even begins to kicks in.

This is a fact that Americans need to understand and prepare for. Sadly this is not the case. According to HealthDay, a recent survey found that “over 40% of respondents did not know what an insurance deductible was.”

If you have been following my reporting in the Laissez Faire Letter, you know that I have been recommending readers to opt out of Obamacare in any way possible. Unfortunately the options for opting out are slim since the law mandates that you carry insurance that is approved by the government or pay a penalty or tax to the IRS.

Fortunately for the tens of thousands of individuals, such an option does exist and it is quickly gaining popularity under the Obamacare mandate.

Referred to as Christian Health Sharing Ministry, the idea is quite simple. Essentially, Christian-based groups band together to share the expense of medical care among their members. Much like health insurance, members pay a monthly premium which is set by the ministry group, and pay for the medical expenses that are incurred by another participating member.

There are currently four Sharing Ministries in the U.S., which includes Samaritan Ministries, Christian Healthcare Ministries, Christian Care Ministry (Medi-Share), and Liberty HealthShare.

…a recent survey found that “over 40% of respondents did not know what an insurance deductible was.”

Combined, these entities serve over 240,000 people across 50 states to the tune of approximately 180 million per year on medical treatment expenses, according to the Health Sharing Ministry Alliance.

The benefits of participating in a Christian Sharing Ministry are quite appealing. For starters, members of these four sharing ministries are completely exempt from the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate. You will not be assessed any fines or penalties for not signing up for the one-size-fits-all insurance products under the ACA.

Another great benefit is the affordability. The premiums and deductibles are much lower than all other health insurance products on the market. The monthly premiums, or amounts that participating members agree to share ranges between approximately $200-400, the lower end covering individuals and the higher for families.

Add to the fact that there is much more freedom of choice is choosing your care provider and you can quickly see the benefits of belonging to a health sharing ministry.

This being said, Christian Sharing Ministries are not for everyone. In order to be accepted as a sharing member, one must live a “biblical” lifestyle. This means that participating members must pledge their Christian faith, limit alcohol intake, abstain from all recreational and illegal drugs, and no sexual relations outside traditional marriages.

It’s also worth noting that there are potential pitfalls of joining a Christian Sharing Ministry. Most importantly these sharing ministries are not-for-profit organizations and are not regulated by state and/or federal insurance agencies.

Although these sharing ministries function just like typical health insurance programs, they are not insurance and are by no means bound to pay your medical bill should they deem your case as unnecessary.

Joining a sharing ministry is a personal choice and if you can overcome the potential pitfalls and live up to their Christian lifestyle conditions, the savings and freedoms are a welcome exemption from the Obamacare individual mandate, that will continue limiting your choices and draining your bank account.

As a final note, the immense savings that one realizes through a sharing ministry can be applied to other free market health care services to provide even better access and quality. I have covered many of these ideas, like Direct Primary Care, Free Market Cash Pay Hospitals, and Medical Tourism.

Wishing You A Happy & Healthy Day,

Judson Anglin
for The Daily Reckoning

Ed. Note: Do you have an Obamacare Survival plan in place in case when things go south? If you don’t set one up now, when things start falling apart, it might already be too late. Thousands of Laissez Faire Today readers have already gained access to our exclusive health care report. Sign up for FREE, right here, to make sure you don’t miss out on the next opportunity to get access to this report.

This article originally appeared in Laissez Faire Today.

The Daily Reckoning