Welcome to The Daily Resource Hunter

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You Can Count on Daily Resource Hunter to Give You Up-to-the-Minute Coverage of These Topics…

From our headquarters in Baltimore, Md. (pardon our dusty desks, we’re not here often), we’ll keep you covered on all things resource related — most notably any hard assets that can lead you to fantastic profits.

Here’s an idea of what I mean…

  • Energy — You and I use energy in all facets of our lives. This includes the crude oil that subsequently fuels our car, the natural gas that heats or cools our houses and the coal/nuclear power that keeps our electricity flowing. With all of this exposure to energy, Daily Resource Hunter will show you how to profit
  • Precious Metals — Gold and silver are more than just listings on the periodic table. These metals offer the only real protection against fiat currency and inflation. Plus, here at Daily Resource Hunter, we know that gold and silver aren’t the only profitable metals. That’s why you’ll also find full updates on palladium, copper, rare earth metals and more. As miners pull valuable ore from the earth, you better believe Daily Resource Hunter will be there…muddy boots and all
  • Agriculture — Commodities play a huge role in our day-to-day lives and most people don’t even know the first thing about them. This focus area includes the commodities that we consume or use for our day-to-day life, including wheat, corn, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, coffee and even orange juice. You may not know it, but there’s money to be made in these staple commodities. And we’ll show you how!
  • Alternative Energy — With growing worldwide energy demand and finite resources comes the need for alternative energy sources. In a sense, even natural gas can be considered an alternative energy along with hydro, geothermal, wind and solar. If any opportunities rise in these upcoming technologies, you’ll be the first to know.

The Daily Resource Hunter Staff is Comprised of Several Globe-Trotting Analysts…

Each analyst has a different background and specialty — but they share two commonalities: a strong knowledge of resources and a boots-on-the-ground investment philosophy.

Combined, we hold over 75 years of resource investing experience.

Just in the past couple years we’ve covered a lot of ground: Brazil, South Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe, China, India, Canada’s oil sand country, South America, Alaska’s North Slope, the UK and more!

Day in and out, we’re logging travel time and working hard to locate opportunities.

Importantly, though, you can rest assured that all of our research is completely independent. We don’t work for any of companies that we write about; simply put, we work for you.

Along with our regulars, you’ll also get resource sector insight from various other contributors, including: The New York Times best-selling authors, experts in the field of Peak Oil, Chicago commodity pit insiders, onsite gold experts and more!

Through daily email updates, you’ll have a front-row seat to every opportunity that our experts uncover. They’ll get their boots muddy so you can get filthy rich.

I hope you’re as excited about this opportunity as I am to share it with you.

Once again welcome to Daily Resource Hunter and stay tuned for your first issue!

Yours for daily resource profits,

Matt Insley
Managing editor, Daily Resource Hunter

P.S. New gold bull market officially here… do THIS first

Before you buy a single ounce of gold, national security insider Jim Rickards says you absolutely must do one thing FIRST.

What does he know that the average American doesn’t? Click here to see.

The Daily Reckoning