Housekeeping notes

1.  In case you missed it in yesterday's DR, Jim Rogers will be the keynote speaker at the Agora Financial Investment Symposium this July in Vancouver.  The theme of this year's conference is "View from the Peak:  Seeking Profits in a Time of Risk and Scarcity."  Only a couple hundred spots remain.  To see who else will be speaking, check out the lineup here.

2.  The second edition of Addison Wiggin's The Demise of the Dollar — and Why It's Even Better for Your Investments has hit #1 on Amazon's non-fiction list.  (Ron Paul's The Revolution is #2, so this is no small feat!)  As I've noted elsewhere, the book has had a thorough overhaul to reflect the fact that many of the things Addison forecast back in 2005 are coming to pass.  So do check it out.

The Daily Reckoning