Take a 2 Week Vacation to Europe on Volvo

Take a 2 Week Vacation to Europe on Volvo

By Nilus Mattive
PostedOctober 28, 2019

Buying a new car can be a maze of price comparison and haggling that can be exhausting. Before your haggling cap goes on to save a few bucks, you should look into getting a free vacation on your dealer.

Live Like You’re on a Vacation–Permanently

Live Like You’re on a Vacation–Permanently

By Nilus Mattive
PostedOctober 18, 2019

Taking a vacation once or twice a year is great, but what if you could live like you were on a vacation all year round? Sounds great right, but how realistic can that possibly be? Well, perhaps not as far-fetched as you might think…

Travelers Beware

Travelers Beware

By Nilus Mattive
PostedOctober 18, 2019

Traveling the world is an amazing thing to do in retirement. New people, new places, new experiences…new dangers? Yes, while traveling is great, there are things that you should be aware of before you land in a foreign country. I’ll give you the inside scoop and some tips on how to stay safe.
