If You Leave the U.S. Permanently, Where Should You Go?
Travel day, good patrons! We’re in transit from our family stronghold in Central Florida to join our colleagues in Baltimore for a little Christmas cheer. We haven’t much time before we have to shut down our laptop in accordance with FAA regulations. But we still aim to be useful.
We’re continuing our conversation on what a scary place the U.S. is becoming — especially with that monstrous national defense bill about to land on the president’s desk. We keep wondering how much energy to devote to exploring our options elsewhere…and have invited you to do the same.
It’s quite the dilemma.The best move may be to stay in the U.S…even if it’s prudent to move elsewhere within the borders of the United States.
A lot of Americans are just saying “the hell with it” and jumping ship. About 6.4 million of them. From the Russian Times:
“Ever dream of leaving it all behind and heading out of America? You’re not the only one. A new study shows that more U.S. citizens than ever before are living outside of the country.
“According to statistics from the U.S. State Department, around 6.4 million Americans are either working or studying overseas, which Gallup says is the largest number ever for such statistic.
“The polling organization came across the number after conducting surveys in 135 outside nations, and the information behind the numbers reveals that this isn’t exactly a long time coming, either — numbers have skyrocketed only in recent years. In the 24 months before polling began, the number of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 living abroad managed to surge from barely 1% to over 5.1%. For those under the age span wishing to move overseas, the percentage has jumped in the same amount of time, from 15% to 40%.
“While the United States of America was at one point (and largely still is) a magnet for foreigners in search of work, the statistics make it clear that an opposite trend is quickly picking up steam.
“‘There’s a feeling among more-entrepreneurial Americans that if you really want to get anything done, you have to get out of country and away from the depressing atmosphere,’ Bob Adams of America Wave tells Reuters. ‘There’s a sense of lost direction, so more people are looking for locations that offer more hope about the future.'”
We’re sure the search for opportunity has plenty to do with it. But something tells us that’s not the whole story…
We have no army of pollsters, no budget to fund a study.
We do have a hunch, however, based on our own anecdotal evidence.
You see, people are fed up. Not just with economic conditions. But with the political ones. We suspect that that frustration is tinged with fear. We know it is in our case.
The state is growing outright despotic…tyrannical. You have congressmen who make no bones about telling us that we should all be subject to arrest and detention by the military. This at a time when the definition of “terrorism” is expanding to include any activity that annoys the political class.
The government has been in the business of prohibiting personal behaviors, regulating
professional ones and eating out our substance since the beginning. It’s all only gotten worse over time.
But now the state is showing its true face. And it’s so horrible that many of us feel compelled to flee for our lives.
But where to go? That’s what the poster Michael asks in this dispatch from his website, endoftheamericandream.com…
“Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. The reality is that there are a vast array of social, cultural, economic and safety issues to be considered. If you have never traveled outside of North America, then you have no idea how incredibly different life in other parts of the world can be. For those that are unfamiliar with international travel, it can be quite a shock to suddenly be immersed in a foreign culture.
“In fact, no matter how experienced you are, choosing to relocate to a new country is never easy. But things have gone downhill so dramatically in the United States that picking up and moving to a foreign nation is being increasingly viewed as a viable alternative by millions of Americans. A lot of people have decided that they simply do not want to be in the United States when the excrement hits the fan. So what is the best country in the world for Americans to relocate to in order to avoid the coming economic collapse?
“For each person, that answer may be different. A lot depends on how much money you have and what your career situation is. A lot depends on what stage of life you are at and what your family situation is. Moving to another country can be very complicated and it can be a lot of work, but there are millions of people that have found it to be very rewarding.
“So why are so many Americans looking to relocate?
“Well, our economy continues to get worse and worse. If you have not heard yet, it has been announced that an all-time record 46 million Americans are now on food stamps.
“A lot of Americans want to escape this country before they get sucked into the vortex of poverty that has trapped so many other American families. 2.6 million more Americans fell into poverty last year. In addition, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of Americans living in extreme poverty today is higher than has ever been measured before.
“As poverty and despair spread across the United States, the fabric of our society is breaking down. As I have written about so many times, the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is starting to disappear.
“Mob violence is becoming increasingly common in America. As society breaks down, the government is becoming even more repressive in an attempt to maintain control. Paranoia has become standard operating procedure, and we are all considered to be potential terrorists. Sadly, the United States is rapidly being turned into a totalitarian ‘Big Brother’ police state. Millions of Americans are not excited about living in a giant prison, and they are starting to look for alternatives.
“Meanwhile, the U.S. government continues to pile up the biggest debt in the history of the world. Our government is drowning in debt, our businesses are drowning in debt and American consumers are drowning in debt. At some point, this entire house of cards is going to come crashing down.
“Are you sure that you want to be living in the United States when that happens?”
It’s not as simple as just buying a plane ticket, however. There are a few things to consider. The article lists six:
1. Money
“It is a lot easier to move to another country if you are independently wealthy. Since most of us are not, you will likely have to consider how you will pay for the lifestyle that you plan to have once you move.
“There are some countries (like many of the nations of northern Europe) where the cost of living is extremely high. If you plan to move to Europe, that is something that you will need to plan for.
“There are other nations where the strength of the U.S. dollar is a huge benefit (at least for now). If you have a sufficient bankroll saved up, there are some areas of the world where you can literally live like a king.
2. Jobs
“Unless you are retired, you will need to consider what kind of job you are going to have once you move. If you do not speak the language of the country where you are moving, that is going to really limit your career options.
“Also, you will need to keep in mind that wages in many areas of the world (especially in the Third World) are much lower than in the United States.
3. Laws
“Americans are often shocked to learn that the rights that we enjoy in the United States do not apply in the rest of the world.
“You need to evaluate whether or not you can live with the laws that will be imposed upon you in the country that you choose to relocate to.
“For example, I would not have the same freedom of speech to write the things that I do in a lot of other countries. There are many countries that actually hunt down and arrest bloggers like me.
“Also, it is important to keep in mind that huge taxes or huge fees are often imposed on those moving to a new country. You may actually have to pay a tax on whatever possessions you bring with you.
4. Security
“In many areas of the world, you will not be able to count on the police coming to help
you if a crime is committed.
“Even if police are available where you choose to live, that does not mean that they will not be corrupt.
“So it is imperative that you come up with a security plan. Keep in mind that in many countries, the ownership of guns is either banned or is severely limited.
5. Family
“If you choose to relocate overseas without the rest of your family, you probably will not get to see them very often at all anymore.
“It will be important for you to evaluate whether you will be able to take long-term separation from your family or not.
“Also, it can be very lonely living overseas in a foreign nation where you do not know the language. In many countries, Americans are deeply hated, so you may find it difficult to make friends.
6. Culture Shock
“This is something that should not be underestimated. Moving into the middle of a foreign culture can be absolutely shattering for many people. A lot of Americans have absolutely no idea what life is like on the other side of the globe.
“If you are thinking of moving to another country, it might be a really good idea to visit it first so that you can get a feel for what you are getting into.”
So what is the best country in the world for Americans to relocate to?
Obviously, there is no one answer. But some places would be horrible for most Americans, while other places would be perfect for different Americans.
We’re not too keen on anyplace in Europe, for example. The Old World is mostly pretty in that Old World way, but it is also expensive to inhabit, in love with central planning and going broke.
Latin America seems inviting. That’s why Agora Financial as well as our friends at Casey Research, Sovereign Man, The Daily Bell and The Dollar Vigilante all have a presence there, in Nicaragua, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, respectively.
We hear that the Seasteading folks led by Patri Friedman — grandson of economist Milton Friedman — are looking away from the seas and inland to Honduras. They mean to create charter cities as allowed by that country’s constitution. These charter cities are to become free economic zones that will lift the locals out of property…and attract many liberty-minded entrepreneurs.
Meanwhile, in Guatemala, there is actually a library named after Ludwig von Mises! Who knew?
There’s much more to come on this subject, good patrons. Much more. We hope you’ll stick around for the conversation. And we invite you to weigh in with opinions on which country is the best for Americans looking for freedom and opportunity. (Send your opinions here: ggibsonagora@gmail.com.)
We still hold out hope that we all can make a go of it here. Maybe that hope is in vain, but we don’t think so. Not yet. And despite all the bad news. Maybe something will give. Maybe the awareness will continue to grow. Maybe we’ll even get a Ron Paul presidency!
We suspect, however, that the change we need will be more grassroots than top down. It will come from tens of millions of individuals living more deliberately…taking matters in their own hands…with some of them setting themselves up to live abundantly right here in these United States.
If you aim to be one of them, then we suggest you start by clicking here.
And we wouldn’t worry too much if we were you. Yes, these are perilous times. Yes, there are reasons to fear. But for those who are prepared and aware, there is opportunity everywhere.
Gary Gibson