Energy, Brazil, Gold: What More Could You Want?
Let’s take a quick look at what’s happening in Brazil, over and above the 2016 Olympics being awarded to Rio de Janeiro.
“I don’t know if I will live to see it,” said Brazil’s president Luiz (Lula) da Silva a couple weeks ago. “But Brazil has to transform itself into a big power in the 21st century. We have everything to make it happen. We are not talking about a little country here.”
No, indeed. Brazil is not “a little country” anymore. Any prudent investor has to consider how to hitch a ride on the Brazil growth story. Brazil is transforming into one of the world’s great powers in this century. It’s important to follow the news from Brazil. At the same time, you have to know where to look, and how to read between the lines.
By official count — what the Brazilian government will confirm — the rocks of Brazil hold nearly 20 billion barrels of proven reserves. That number is on par with the total for U.S. oil reserves, including Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.
It’s an impressive number, but then there’s also the unofficial Brazilian reserve count. How much oil is “really” down there under Brazilian jurisdiction? It depends with whom you talk. Some Brazilian officials will smile and say the country has 50 billion barrels of resources. If the Brazilians can tap into this treasure, it adds up to more than twice the total reserves of the U.S., including Alaska.
Other knowledgeable — VERY knowledgeable — Brazilians give much larger estimates. I’ve seen estimates that place the resource number at “over 100 billion barrels.” This puts Brazil in with the largest of the large oil nations, such as Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
These massive oil resources offshore Brazil lie beneath deep water and thick layers of salt. And since it’s all within Brazilian waters, the government of Brazil is increasing its control over offshore development. This way, Brazil will have its own oilmen keeping an eye out for the overall national interest — and making big money for the Brazilian treasury.
The new level of Brazil’s state control over oil development is a strategic decision. Brazil is counting on the hydrocarbon resources to help propel it forward as one of the world’s major powers. And the development in Brazil will control the destiny of a good number of players in the OI portfolio.
Many companies whose fate is tied to the wheel of the Brazilian ship of state are in that portfolio. All of them have operations that span the globe. They’re not a pure play on Brazilian energy development. Just the same, it’s nice to know that they’ll be pulling down a big chunk of business in one booming region over the next couple of decades. As I see it, these firms are long-term core holdings for any diversified energy portfolio.
Gold on the Move
This week, the price of gold touched $1,040 per ounce. Silver also took the elevator to higher floors, to now over $17 per ounce. It’s been good news for all of the gold and silver miners in the OI portfolio.
We’re way up on many of the miners I’ve added this year to the OI portfolio. Some of the beaten-down guys are also showing us their inner Lazarus as precious metals prices soar.
What’s with the Rising Tide?
I just love it when the stocks in the OI portfolio are going up. It beats the heck out of what we experienced last October with the meltdown, that’s for sure. And it makes it easier to be the editor of a financial newsletter that focuses on precious metals, energy and other natural resources.
What’s going on? What’s with the rising tide? I believe we’re seeing some short covering in the precious metals arena. It has always amazed me in the past couple of years that there were people out there shorting gold. Huh? It’s like that scene from the movie The Deer Hunter in which Robert De Niro is playing Russian roulette with a pistol holding bullets in the chambers. You don’t have to be crazy to short gold, but it helps.
I may not have the same eyesight today as back when I flew Navy jets. But how close do you have to look to see that the U.S. dollar is in trouble? Yet people still want to bet on the dollar and against gold? Hey, it’s a free country. And I’ve spent the past few years feeling pretty lonely at times as I described my vision of monetary gloom and doom.
So now the dollar is dropping due to bad news on many fronts. The U.S. economy is NOT “recovering,” contrary to the propaganda from Washington. Unemployment is up, and it’ll stay up for a long time. There’s a structural readjustment going on within the U.S. economy, and it’ll take years (maybe decades) to play out. Meanwhile, U.S. tax policy, energy policy and the overall political process are a train wreck in living color. Can anyone explain to me how this has a happy ending?
The world, of course, is noticing. Now we read about a group of nations (the usual suspects, but add in modern allies Japan and France) trying to figure out how to ditch the dollar and use some other medium of exchange to trade oil. It’s not exactly a new rumor, but now it’s getting traction. And like people smelling smoke in a crowded theater, dollar holders are looking for the exit signs.
Is anyone surprised at this? How much fiscal and monetary abuse can the greenback stand? Hence, the precious metals prices are levitating.
We’ll probably see a pullback in precious metals prices, but that’s just going to be profit taking and the market working its magic. Long term, the metals are still going up.
It’s part of the long-term thesis of Outstanding Investments. Go with precious metals. Go with energy plays. Go with solid resource plays.
Until we meet again,
Byron King
October 8, 2009