Big Pharma
The world’s most profitable business is bracing for an all-but-certain $275-billion shellacking in U.S. liability courts over the next few years…
But you could bank 50 times your money or more as this carnage plays out – if you get in NOW on the pioneering biotech firm that could soon inoculate the entire drug industry from having to shell out another red cent in damages.Every major pharmaceutical maker will soon be FORCED to license this virtually unknown company’s genetic technology to stay competitive – and out of liability courts. That’s when this firm will practically own Big Pharma. Gains of 5,000% or more could be a foregone conclusion if you MOVE NOW…
And this isn’t even counting the profits from the firm’s own miracle medications (it’s got 178 patents). If EVEN ONE of these becomes a first-line treatment, early investors could easily turn $10,000 into $1 million!
Dear Soon-to-Be-Soaring Emerging Tech Profiteer,
It’s an indisputable fact that on the balance, prescription drugs save millions of lives…
But it’s also a fact that in a certain number of cases, these same drugs can harm or even kill people – by some credible estimates as many as305,000 per year in the United States alone.
It wasn’t all that long ago when these drug-related deaths were simply chalked up by victims’ families and the medical establishment as the brutal reality of sickness and healing. However, nowadays, drug makers – targeted by the media, the feds and, above all, the lawyers – are increasingly being held accountable for these incidents in civil courts.
It wasn’t all that long ago when these drug-related deaths were simply chalked up by victims’ families and the medical establishment as the brutal reality of sickness and healing. However, nowadays, drug makers – targeted by the media, the feds and, above all, the lawyers – are increasingly being held accountable for these incidents in civil courts.
It wasn’t all that long ago when these drug-related deaths were simply chalked up by victims’ families and the medical establishment as the brutal reality of sickness and healing. However, nowadays, drug makers – targeted by the media, the feds and, above all, the lawyers – are increasingly being held accountable for these incidents in civil courts.
Of course, these prescription-caused fatalities and injuries are a terrible tragedy – that goes without saying. But from a dollars-and-cents perspective, the growing firestorm of civil liability lawsuits spurred by these incidents is shaping up to be one of the biggest financial tragedies ever suffered by any industry, anywhere…
And as politically incorrect as it may seem to point out, there’s a way to play this carnage for a sick amount of money.
That’s right, act fast and you could really get well in the aftermath of what may prove to be the most punitive fiscal flaying Big Pharma (or any business, for that matter) has ever taken – I’m talking 50-100 times your investment if things go the way they’re likely to. Keep reading and I’ll tell you exactly how.
But first, consider this…
Right now, there are more than 9,000 lawsuits pending against just one company, for just one drug
One of the most recent examples of this trend is Merck’s VIOXX, the arthritis medication estimated by the FDA to have sent nearly 28,000 Americans to their graves, with as many as 140,000 having suffered heart attacks or other negative effects from the drug. The first of the VIOXX suits was recently settled with one of the largest monetary damages awards in tort history: Over $283 million to the family of a single victim.
That’s over a quarter of a billion dollars.
Estimates of how much these 9,000 VIOXX claims will ultimately cost Merck range as high as $38 billion or more. To put this in perspective, Exxon Corp. paid only a total of around $7 billion for the Valdez oil spill that poisoned 1,100 miles of pristine Alaskan coastline in 1989 – and that includes cleanup costs!
But remember: VIOXX is only one drug. There are dozens – perhaps hundreds – of other prescription medications that, for all their benefits, still result in tens of thousands of prosecutable liability claims.
And now that the VIOXX proceeding is paving the way for HUGE settlements for those patients (and their lawyers, don’t forget) who are willing to take on Big Pharma, we may soon see the world’s most profitable industry nearly brought to its knees by an epidemic of litigation – both legitimate and frivolous…
So how can all this ultimately make you sickeningly rich?
OK, imagine there were a company out there that had pioneered a way of designing and testing new drugs that all but guaranteed drug companies would never have to shell out a penny for liability settlements…
Think every player in the pharmaceutical industry wouldn’t pay through the nose to buy into THAT technology?
Now, imagine that hardly anyone knew about this company – and that you were offered a chance to buy shares for less than $10 apiece RIGHT NOW – before its history-making technology hits the headlines (and every broker’s desk)…
That would be the investment opportunity of a lifetime, wouldn’t it? The stuff money legends are made of – a medical-industry Microsoft (so far, 40,000% gains and counting for those who got in early).
Well, there’s no “imagining” to it at all. This company actually exists, as you’ll discover in just a minute. And in my opinion (and you’ll also soon learn why mine is the opinion you should be listening to), this firm could rival Microsoft in future profit margins – I fully expect at least 5,000% gains…
And here’s the really mind-boggling part: This calculation is based on potential fruits of the Big Pharma/liability angle I’ve just mentioned. This is ONLY ONE of the three ways investing in this company could make you rich (more about the others in a minute). Factoring these in, 10,000% or higher gains should be the norm for those who act now.
But before I get into all that, let me show you where your money’s going to come from…
Big Pharma CAN afford to license this under-the-radar company’s incredible safe-drug technology – but it CAN’T afford not to
Before I recommend a company or buy a stock myself, I need to see where the profits are going to come from (more on this methodology in a moment)…
In the case of the little-known company I’m high on right now, it’s as easy to see where the dough’s rising as any investment I’ve ever encountered. After all, every cent of this firm’s profit potential comes from the patent drug business – either from its one-of-a-kind testing and development paradigm or from direct participation in the drug market (details on both of these in just a minute). And they don’t call the pharmaceuticals industry the world’s most profitable business for nothing. Consider:
In 2001 and 2002, dismal years for just about every other business:
- The American patent drug industry raked in $35.9 billion in profit – not total sales and revenue (that number’s closer to $200 billion), but pure profit
- Domestic profits of the top 10 drug companies equaled more than half of the total after-losses profits of the entire Fortune 500
- The top 10 U.S. drug makers gained 30% while the rest of the Fortune 500 companies lost 66.3% of their profits
- The top 10 U.S. drug companies banked as much as 18.5% raw profit – more than five times as much as the 3.1-3.3% median return of the Fortune 500 for the period
- The U.S. drug industry made a 44% greater profit margin than the next closest industry – the predatory commercial banking business.
Beyond these staggering facts is this: Sales of prescription drugs average around 12% annual growth, with recent spurts (2000-2001) of as much as 17%. So it’s easy to see how much Big Pharma has to lose. It’s also easy to imagine how much it’ll pay to ensure that these profits aren’t eaten up by liability lawsuits – it’s literally billions of dollars!
And YOU could go along for the ride, if you get in now. But before I show you how to do that – absolutely FREE, by the way – I want to show you another way this incredible biotech play can make youricher than rich…
The small Nordic firm I’ve been raving about will soon make medical history (while you make a fortune) with safer, more effective drugs for today’s biggest killers
On the island nation of Iceland, a small pharma-tech company that’s less than a decade old is set to turn the world’s most profitable industry inside out with patents on pharmaco-genetic technology that could prove bigger in importance and impact than antibiotics. Soon, this pioneering firm will introduce a new breed of pharmaceuticals. And I’m not talking about a cure for the common cold, here – I mean drugs for major ailments that are killing us by the millions…
Things like heart disease, diabetes, obesity (three of the top four killers in the United States, by the way), atherosclerosis, asthma, stroke, schizophrenia and dozens more. Keep in mind that each of these diseases represents a multibillion-dollar market in itself – heart attacks alone cost Americans over $130 billion in 2003!
Once this company rolls out just the first of their own new miracle meds (a heart attack drug is already in the later stages of FDA approval), everything mainstream medicine knows about pharmacology and medical treatment might well be rendered obsolete. If just ONE of their drugs gains mainstream acceptance, early investors could easily make five or six times their money…
But here’s the mind-boggling part: It’s got half a dozen more drugs waiting in the wings and genetic blueprints for other drugs to fight 50 common diseases. Every one of these has the potential to be every bit as profitable as their heart attack medication – a drug Forbes estimates the company will sellup to a billion bucks worth per year.
Think about it: If even a few of these make it as a first-line treatment, this company could end up bigger than Roche, Merck, Pfizer or any of the other pharmaceutical giants that are currently scrambling to partner up with them (more on this below) – before they get left in the dust.
When that happens, and it could be very soon, even a small, $5,000 investment could turn into a quarter-million dollars in your pocket. Even more.
What’s so special about these medicines? Keep reading…
Not all drugs (or drug companies) are created equal – anymore, that is.
Despite what the drug ads on prime-time TV say, true “breakthroughs” in the drug industry are relatively scarce. Sure, every once in a while, a new medication or class of drug is introduced that makes a huge impact on the industry or on patients’ lives. Pfizer’s Viagra comes to mind in this regard…
However, the dirty little secret of the pharmaceutical industry is that a lot of “new” drugs are simply modified (and not necessarily improved) versions of existing medications. It’s a sort of a “planned obsolescence” trick of marketing. Here’s how it works:
Most drugs lose the protection of their patent after around seven years on the market. This means that other companies can then make generic (cheaper) versions of the same drug. So to stay hyper-profitable in the face of much cheaper generic products, drug makers simply wait until a product goes “off patent,” and then unveil – amid millions of dollars worth of media hype – a new, slightly different version of the same medication.
These drugs may be no better than the “old” ones, yet are covered by a brand-new patent that protects their premium pricing for another seven years or so. This is one reason why the drug business is the most profitable industry in the world.
What’s my point in telling you all of this? Bear with me; the payoff is coming (and it’s huge – as much as 50, even 100 times, your money or more)…
True “wonder drugs” are rare – that’s why this Nordic innovator could be the best investment ever in the world’s most profitable business
Here’s why this point is so important to your understanding of just how profound a windfall you’re about to discover: If pharmaceutical companies are the world’s most profitable businesses without many bona fide breakthroughs (and on the strength of mostly repackaged and heavily hyped years-old formulas), imagine how insanely profitable a company with a truly new, revolutionary and wildly successful approach to drug making would be…
That’s why this rock-solid company with dozens of truly breakthrough medications in progress… Plus a whole new development paradigm that could render other methods of making and testing drugs obsolete… Plus over 178 (and counting) patents and patents pending…
Could completely redefine or outright take control of the drug business practically overnight – like their Viking ancestors might have done to a British coastal village.
In a nutshell, their technology could:
- Save millions of lives by curing people of killer diseases
- Save drug and insurance companies billions of dollars in research and development costs
- Reduce adverse drug side effects through more thorough genetic screening of patients
- Perform complex statistical analyses of whole populations of people better and more thoroughly than anything currently in use
Think that would be worth investing in – especially if you could buy in for less than 10 bucks a share? Of course. But as you’ve just read, you don’t have to imagine it at all. In just a minute, you’re going to find out how to get yourFREESpecial Report telling you all about how to get in on the ground floor now. But first, please read on…
Drug-induced investment euphoria awaits all those who buy into this pioneering company right now.
To fully explain how this company’s medicines are different from every other drug maker’s would take an encyclopedia worth of pages – and several Ph.D.s for you (or me) to comprehend. But to put it simply, without all the geek speak and “doctorese,” this company’s patented medicines specifically targetgenetic causes of diseaserather than simply “Band Aiding” disease symptoms like most modern prescription medications…
Believe it or not, this has never been done before.
In a nutshell, this small company has developed a one-of-a-kind-on-Earth method for pinpointing genetic factors involved in a person’s predisposition to disease. Basically, it’scracked the codes in the human genomethat make people more likely to develop 50 of the most common diseases on Earth. Exactly HOW it did this is a story that’s equal parts pure high-tech perseverance, innovative vision in information collection and analysis, and a twist of simple cosmic luck (think Iceland – more on this in a little bit)…
But I digress. The most important part is this: Cracking this genome “code” allows this company to develop drugs targeted specifically to the genetic defect that causes a disease, instead of “shotgunning” an entire bodily system the disease affects – often doing more harm than good, like a lot of mainstream drugs (Can you say VIOXX?). The result:
- Super-effective drugs with vastly fewer side effects than current treatments
- Incredible profits – likely 5000% or more – for stockholders as these drugs surpass current treatments in efficacy, safety and affordability
And how’s this for a worst-case investment scenari Even if this company never sells a single pill, its stock price could still multiply at least 50 times over. I’ll tell you why in just a second (there are two reasons – one of which I’ve already touched on). But you have to buy early, BEFORE they’re a household name. Soon, this company could be as recognizable as Pfizer…
But right now, this stock is virtually unknown to rank-and-file investors – which means you can get in cheap if you hurry.
Can you think of ANY other stock investment opportunity in which the worst-case scenario could still bring you 1,000% in profit?
As if developing a whole new world of miracle drugs for the deadliest and most costly diseases on Earth weren’t enough, these Icelandic innovators will also offer to the drug industry a whole new paradigm of clinical testing and trial design that’ll slash drug makers’ FDA approval and research costs (and ultimately the costs to consumers and insurance companies) while making drugs safer at the same time.
The FDA thinks this is so important that it recently issued guidelines on using genetics in drug development – guidelines that will force the industry to adopt safer approaches, like the ones this company offers.
Here’s the payoff for you: The royalties on this new paradigm (the company’s patented it, of course) should top half a billion dollars a year easily. A conservative estimate of what this would do to its stock price is atenfold gain! And that’s probably laughably low – I’m aiming for gains of more like 50-fold with these guys…
And by all indications, this Icelandic company is going to simultaneously revolutionize bothprescription drugs and the drug industry itself. It could also explode in profitability 100 times over or more – taking all who bought in early into the profit stratosphere.
Now, I know what you might be thinking: Why haven’t I already heard about this company anywhere? If this is such a great opportunity, why isn’t USA TODAY or Yahoo! all over it?
First off, you will hear about it in mainstream sources. And soon – especially once its revolutionary new heart attack drug passes its final stage of FDA approval. But let’s face it: By the time ANY investment reaches The Wall Street Journal, the chance to buy it at its peak potential is long past. And with this stock, I fully expect to see its name in lights any day now.
But just because this company hasn’t made the front page of the Journal yet doesn’t mean nobody’s scooping up (or holding onto) shares of this Nordic wonder. Quite the contrary. Forbes has already mentioned the firm’s heart attack drug as one of the New Drugs to Watch, projectingup to $1 billion a year in sales. Soon the cat will be out of the bag, big time. Keep reading…
The U.S. government, some major funds and financial institutions, and Big Pharma itself are lining up to partner with or invest in this firm and its innovations.
Unlike so many other small tech ventures, this company’s no flash in the pan with nothing but a few ideas and a good PR firm. No, these folks have excellent long-term “survivability.” They’ve been in business since 1996 and have been steadily growing all the while.
Right now, the company has 400 employees (including a pair of board members who “defected” from major pharma companies Celltech and GlaxoSmithKline), and it’s currently sitting on over $200 million in working capital and assets – enough to sustain it for more than two years with no income at all and without curbing its research and product development one iota.
It’s also sitting on one of the most impressive portfolios of patents I’ve ever seen in a tech company large or small: It’s got 178 patents and patents pending that could be worth over a billion dollars (more on this a bit later). All saleable in a pinch, too.
Believe me, it isn’t going anywhere but to the top of the most profitable business in the world – and taking you with it, if you’re smart enough tobuy in right now. On second thought, don’t believe me – just consider the evidence:
- Back in December, it landed a five-year, $24 million contract with the U.S. National Institutes of Health to apply its proprietary system for mass-population genetic targeting to help protect Americans from allergies and infectious diseases
- Drug giant Roche has partnered with it since 1998 to make breakthrough discoveries in osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and more… and Roche has recently partnered with it on osteoporosis, vascular disease, stroke and diagnostic tests
- Last year, Merck inked a seven-year alliance with this firm to test its patented, genetically targeted clinical-trial design system on as many as five Merck drugs. The two companies have also joined forces to develop new treatments for obesity… and the drug giant purchased $10 million in stock, with a warrant to buy another $50 million worth over the next five years
- Some big-name mutual funds – including the Merrill Lynch Global SmallCap Fund and five different T. Rowe Price funds – hold hundreds of thousands of shares of this company’s stock
- Approximately 18 million of this firm’s shares (nearly 40% of the total stock) are currently held by 15 household-name financial institutions – including T. Rowe Price, Barclays, Merrill Lynch, Eagle Asset Management, U.S. Bancorp, TIAA-CREF and Pew Capital Partners.
As you can see, not only major pharma players, but also some major Wall Street players with some of the biggest research and stock analysis resources out there are bullish on this company – and they wouldn’t be holding onto millions of shares unless they expected major profits.
If by some act of God you still don’t see how your money can come back to you fifty-fold or more with this company, myFREESpecial Report on this stock will answer all your questions. I’ll show you how to get it in just a minute. But right now, I want to make sure you TRULY UNDERSTAND how amazing and rare the profit opportunity is here. Keep reading…
This band of Viking visionaries has developed genetic solutions for some of the deadliest diseases we face
What you’re about to read is what’s got me so excited about this company and its stock – excited enough to keep tabs on it over the last few years and excited enough to tell the readers of my newsletter, The Emerging Capital Report, (and prospective readers, like yourself) about it.
In a second, you’ll discover the “three-legged stool” of profits this company will stand on to reach the top of the pharmaceutical industry. But first, I have to tell you about the single overarching resource that made all three legs possible – one that’s unique to this Nordic miracle worker…
It’s Iceland itself, and the Icelandic people.
Here’s what I’m talking about: Iceland is a small nation made up of less than a quarter million people. And by a lucky twist of geography (the fact that it’s an island, somewhat inhospitable and a fairly decent distance from any of its neighbors), it has a culture that can track its genealogy back more than 1,100 years.
Combine that with a population that loves the written word (more publishers per capita than anywhere else on Earth) and is proud of its heritage, and you get detailed and complete population, family and medical records for a whole country…
It also has universal health care, which makes it easier to access modern medical data. Finally, there’s a matter of national pride: Half the country’s adult citizens have donated blood for DNA testing to help these Viking visionaries realize their dreams.
Add all this up and you’ve got theONLY place on Earthwhere circumstances combine to offer such an unadulterated, complete data stream. And therein lies the heart of this Nordic jewel’s competitive advantage.
It’s developed a complex, proprietary method (and methodology) for “mining” this data pool using super high-speed and high-capacity computers capable of quickly sifting through this enormous database, along with an advanced, automated gene-finding model. The combination of this gold mine of data and the wizardry of modern technology, human genome knowledge and ultra-fast computing is nothing short of phenomenal.
A way to pinpoint the inherited causes of disease.
All of this company’s innovations, and its incredible opportunity for profit, flow from this one-of-a-kind “fountain” of genetic information. No other pharmaceutical company in the world could possibly duplicate this database or assemble a similar one that’s anywhere near as detailed…
So you see, not only is the science behind these innovations exciting and fascinating, but it’s also easy to see where the insane profits are going to come from once these patented technologies are brought to market – and why no one else in the pharmaceuticals business can touch these guys. Here’s exactly what I mean…
The first leg of this soon-to-be-as-big-as-Pfizer pharma-tech firm’s “three-legged stool” of profitability is the manufacture and sale of drugs aimed like lasers at the causes of any number of diseases, some of them major killers.
Currently in development are what are affectionately known as its “magnificent seven” drugs for seven major ailments: heart attack, diabetes, obesity, schizophrenia, atherosclerosis, asthma and stroke. As many as 50 other drugs might soon be in the pipeline, depending on how the company’s marquee release – a heart attack drug that recently passed FDA Phase II trials with flying colors – is received. If the early reviews are any sign, this company will likely be full steam ahead on new-drug R&D soon… recently rated the firm’s heart attack drug as one of its top 10 new cardiovascular drugs to watch – and predicted annual sales of up to $1 billion!
Who will buy it?Consumers, pharmacies and HMOs, of course. Another likely outcome is licensing the marketing of this drug to a major manufacturer, something company management is perfectly amenable to if the price is right. And I estimate that price would likely be in the range of half a billion dollars annually. If this company did nothing else but license out this one medication, its stockholders would likely make 2,500% or more on their money. If it did the same for a half dozen drugs, you’d be looking at Microsoft-type gains.
But you MUST get in before this story breaks in The Wall Street Journal or some other huge media outfit. Just this one profit play alone could turn a $5,000 investment into $250,000 with ease!
The second leg of this unique firm’s profit stool involves using its one-of-a-kind database to help other drug companies design their clinical trials to be as effective and conclusive as possible.
Drug companies spend more than $30 billion a year on drug R&D – the bulk of it on what are called clinical trials (the large-scale human studies in which drugs are tested for safety, effectiveness and side effects). These are normally done on large groups of people with very loosely defined guidelines: age, sex, weight, etc. But my Icelandic friends have banked so much genetic knowledge from their data mining that they can help winnow down a huge pool of potential test subjects to those who are not only genetically predisposed to the disease being studied, but also most likely to benefit from the drug being tested…
The company has estimated that its new, Information-rich Clinical Trials will involve a mere fraction of the subjects used in a typical trial.
Who will buy it?Any drug company that wants to trim its multimillion-dollar research budget and bring drugs to market faster without compromising (and maybe even enhancing) the integrity of its clinical safety trials. That means ALL OF THEM. If only one pharmaceutical company adopts this system, the others will have to follow suit just to remain competitive. Based on a super-conservative figure of a 50% savings to the industry, the royalties on such custom-designed trials would total around $300 million a year in revenue for the company. If it did nothing else but this, even a measly $1,000 invested would yield $10,000 or more!
But again, only if you get in before the boom. That means RIGHT NOW.
This third leg of our profit stool is one I’ve already mentioned – it involves protecting drug companies from potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in product liability lawsuits by minimizing the likelihood of side effects.
Again, that one-of-a-kind genetic database is the key to this profit driver. As surely as this model can be used to design drug trials among hyper-receptive subjects, the same technology can be used to pinpoint which genes pose risks for dosages of certain drugs.
Typical clinical trials don’t effectively isolate such variables, so drug companies are either unaware of these genetic “triggers” or mistake them for other factors. Using this new methodology could both reactivate the safe use of drugs currently shelved because of side effects and greatly reduce the introduction of new drugs with dangerous side effects. Think of it as a “sharper scalpel” cutting away the risk, leaving only the benefit.
With the average amount of a wrongful-death lawsuit award topping $5.7 million, it’s in drug companies’ best interests to understand side effects and at-risk users as accurately as possible – and to clearly articulate these things on their warning labels, absolving them of liability.
Who will buy it?Again, any drug company that wants to remain as profitable as possible – especially those that have been burned by the recent scandals involving COX-2 inhibitors and antidepressants. It’s hard to say how much such a service might be worth – but with drug companies facing down a liability bullet that could cost them $275 billion, this may be the way this company could make the most money, the fastest. I can’t imagine such patented technology wouldn’t be worth at least a few billion dollars a year. This could yield a 50-fold jump in stock price right there…
But if you don’t jump on this company before the value of this liability-nullifying service becomes apparent to the rest of the investment world, you’ll miss out big time.
Remember, what makes this stock such an incredible opportunity is this: If any one of this trio of patented technological advancements does what it logically should do in the marketplace, even a minimal investment should multiply many times over…
And if all three of these innovations take off… Katie, bar the door: For less than you’d spend on a decent vacation, you could be sitting on half a million bucks or more! Get all the specifics in my Special Report, The Nordic Miracle Worker: Make 50 Times Your Money as This Company Unlocks the “Secrets of Life”.
Act now, and you could be among the only people to buy this stock early enough to turn $5,000 or so into an absolute fortune
Allow me to finally introduce myself – I’ve been so busy telling you how to get rich I haven’t had a chance yet!
I’m Jonathan Kolber. For more than 20 years, I’ve lived and breathed technology – both as an analyst and as a hands-on pioneer in various technological ventures. It’s stunning, really, how long I’ve been totally immersed in every aspect of the high-tech world – I’m like a lopsided, addicted savant (Beethoven was, too, so I guess I’m in pretty good company)…
What I’m trying to tell you is this: Over the last two decades, I’ve seen a lot of technologies come down the pike. I’ve even had a hand in developing some of them into life-changing products and services you may have even used yourself. Need an example? Here’s one…
I started the company that developed the patented technology behind those limited-use Disney DVDs that national chains like 7-Eleven and Papa John’s are selling. Plus, I co-founded a company with the man who invented the world’s toughest lock. Used by the Federal Reserve, it safeguards stuff so hush-hush that only Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan carries the key…
But I digress. A few years ago, I transitioned from developing new technologies to investing in (and consulting for) cutting-edge technologies with explosive futures. What does how I make my living nowadays have to do with you? Plenty.
You see, instead of focusing on just the one sliver of the technology market I was trying to compete in (or to pioneer), I’m now focused on the entire spectrum of the emerging, revolutionary technology world as an analyst. This perspective allows me to think three, four, even 10 moves ahead – like a player in a venture-capital chess game. From my vantage point, I get to see the big picture of tech-industry trends and opportunities that open the door for profits that border on obscene…
Again, I’m talking about turning just a few thousand bucks into enough money to retire with – on your own beachfront property.
Give me a chance to guide you to venture-capital-type gains of up to 100 times your money or more
I’m not talking about 10%, 50% or even 100% gains. You can get those kinds of returns by investing in older, more mature companies. No, I’m looking to find 1,000%, 2,000% – even 10,000% gains. The only way to do that is to invest in tomorrow’s Microsofts and General Electrics… Tomorrow’s Dells and Intels…
Tomorrow’s Pfizers, Glaxos and Schering-Ploughs. They all started small and grew over and over again. And the company I’ve been telling you about has all the outward earmarks of a smash success – it’s got the three major elements I look for in a hot tech pick:
- A sound business plan
- A dynamic, visionary management team
- Most important, a truly revolutionary, life-changing and marketable technology.
Lots of companies have one or even two of these elements, but rarely do all three of these aspects coexist in one company whose stock is undervalued enough to make investment in it a hugely profitable prospect. But as you’ll discover as soon as I rush you aFREEcopy of The Nordic Miracle Worker: Make 50 Times Your Money as This Company Unlocks the “Secrets of Life,” the comprehensive expose I’ve prepared about this incredible firm, this Nordic venture has all threeof these must-haves in spades – especially the all-important third element. Yet so far, this company’s stock has remained under the radar of the mainstream investment press.
I promise you, though: It won’t for much longer. That’s why you need to discover it NOW if you want to cash in onventure-capitalist-type gains of 5,000% or more. And while I can’t guarantee that this company will grow like Microsoft (I’m banking on it, though), I can promise you one thing…
Most of tomorrow’s blue chip companies are tiny right now. Undiscovered. They are selling for almost nothing (like the stock I’ve been describing – it’s just under $10 a share!). And they are poised to increase hundreds, if not thousands, of percentage points in the coming months and years.
Most of the blue chips of today were unknown startups several decades ago.
The stock I’ve been telling you about is just such a blue-chip-in-waiting. But it’s not the only one like it out there, not by a long shot. In fact, I’ve written a second comprehensive Special Report (also yoursFREE,if you keep reading) on three more near-future technologies that will change life as we know it forever. Investing in any one of these has the potential to be as profitable, if not more so, than my pharma-tech gem from Iceland!
More about this in a moment, though. First, let me tell you why…
When it comes to technology, it takes a lot to get me worked up. But believe me, I’m worked up right now…
Why? Because this “giant killer” of a company may represent the single biggest sustained profit opportunity I’ve ever encountered (and that’s saying something: I’ve made 25 times my money a time or two before), and I just had to pass it along to you as soon as possible. I’m literally writing this in the middle of the night!
Why the big rush? Because in a matter of weeks (maybe even days), the cat will be out of the bag on this grossly undervalued company. Yet RIGHT NOW, this incredible opportunity represents the potential for venture-capitalist-type returns: 20, 50, even 100 times your investment (or more) if you act fast…
But using the information in myFREESpecial Report, The Nordic Miracle Worker: Make 50 Times Your Money as This Company Unlocks the “Secrets of Life”, you’ll be able to capitalize on the kind of opportunity that only millionaire venture capitalists typically get to see. I say “typically” because there is at least one other group of people that knows about once-in-a-lifetime finds that could easily turn just a few grand into $50,000, $100,000, even a million bucks or more…
My readers learned all about this pharma-tech superstar last winter in my newsletter, The Emerging Capital Report
Right now, shares of this Merck-in-the-making are trading at around $9.50. But that’s nothing. Once news begins to spread about this company, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a price of $20 a share or higher in just a few weeks or months…
And when its revolutionary new heart attack drug passes final FDA approval (it’s in the final stages right now), watch out – shares will likely jump to $25-30. And from there, the sky’s the limit.
That’s why I want to give you aFREEcopy of the Special Report I’ve prepared all about this company (in fact, I finished writing it right before I started typing this to you!). In it, you’ll learn the company’s name, history, management profile and stock information. And it’s yours free of charge when you subscribe to the original source of the incredible story of these Nordic miracle workers and their genetic solutions to disease…
…The Emerging Capital Report– the only source of the information you need to get venture-capital-type gains every month, but without the risk or the multimillion-dollar bankroll. How good is my newsletter at steering subscribers toward profits?
Since 2002, readers ofThe Emerging Capital Reporthave found plenty of winners that would make even an insider’s eyebrows rise. For instance:
- PowerChannel (PWRC: OTCBB), makers of an Internet access product, showed readers gains of more than 371% in less than two months during the winter of 2003-2004
- Semotus Solutions Inc. (DLK: AMEX), software manufacturers for mobile business connection applications, jumped over 244% for readers in just 51 days
- Anatolia Minerals Development Ltd. (ANO: TSE), a mining company that taps underutilized Turkish mineral deposits, yielded readers gains of over 185% from 2002-2004
- One current pick – a nanotech and nuclear-tech company with the ability to end terrorist attacks, clean our water and make pinhead-sized batteries – is up an even 400% since my first recommendation
- Other plays include a 141% gain in around 10 months, a 321% gain in 3 months, plus several more solid picks that have yielded an average of 70% in 60 days or less
- Another current Emerging Capital Report portfolio favorite of mine (a small marine propulsion systems innovator) is up 240% and counting in just the last 3 months!
These are just a few of the literally dozens of profitable tech picks we’ve made for our readers in just the last few years. Yet as spectacular as the track record ofThe Emerging Capital Reportalready is, I fully expect that the Nordic firm I’ve been raving about will set a new profit benchmark for our picks by many times over.
Get myFREESpecial ReportThe Nordic Miracle Worker: Make 50 Times Your Money as This Company Unlocks the “Secrets of Life“,and you’ll get all the details – plus a money-back guarantee on the newsletter that’s breaking the story to the limited-capital investor before anyone else.
But right now, I want to tell you the single overarching reason WHY this company will be such a winner…
Like all Microsoft-caliber tech picks, this undervalued company holds patents on technology that will change our lives.
Imagine buying one share of Microsoft stock at the IPO price of just $21 (considered pricey in 1986 at 20 times earnings). A year ago, you’d have had 288 shares worth more than $8,200 – a return on investment of 40,000%…
Or over 400 times your money!
Even adjusted for inflation, that’s an incredible gain, one of history’s biggest. How has Microsoft stayed so profitable for so long? It has developed products that fundamentally changed how we live. Think about it…
Almost everyone uses Microsoft Windows for both their personal and professional tasks. And on top of hugely successful products, Microsoft’s management has consistently dominated the markets and kept two steps ahead of the competition. That’s a winning combination – transformational technology with strong management. And it’s the exact kind of winning formula I look for in today’s emerging companies.
In contrast, the vast majority of today’s tech companies (probably 95% or more) produce things that make existing technologies only marginally better – a computer chip that’s a smidgen faster, a new kind of wireless transmission that provides slightly better cell phone reception, a type of TV that yields a little sharper resolution…
Now, don’t get me wrong – careful investing in these kinds of companies can be a great way to grow your money into a nice little nest egg over time. But the key to truly Microsoft-caliber returns in the tech sector is to anticipate and invest in technology that will have a great and lasting impact on our lives (like the three killer change drivers I’m going to reveal in the SECONDFREEREPORT I’m about to offer you), not simply an incremental refinement to something we’re already used to…
And the little-known, yet publicly traded, company I’ve just told you about is part of that elite 5% or so of firms whose products and/or services we won’t be able to imagine living without just a few years (or even months) from now. I mean it – these Icelanders are going to leave a HUGE FOOTPRINT on the world’s most booming industry!
That’s why I’m banging out this alert to you at 3 a.m. And that’s also why I’m about to tell how you can discover what the company is and how to invest in it, absolutelyFREE– plus, I’m going to show you how you can learn about similar companies every month, risk free…
But before I show you what could amount to the biggest return-on-investment opportunity you may ever come across in your lifetime, I want to let you in on (or remind you of) a fundamental, unchangeable principle of technology that is as obvious as can be, but that most people just don’t realize…
Every life-changing technological development in history was at one point new and emerging…
Every one of the technologies that changed our lives for the better was initially met with skepticism, resistance or outright disbelief from someone (sometimes the majority of people). Believe me: There is no such thing as technology that – on the eve of its emergence – is universally acknowledged as revolutionary. Here’s an obvious example…
When personal computers first hit the scene in the early ’80s, many in technology fields saw them as niche products at best (for accountants or secretaries) – they never imagined that more households than not would have PCs. Yet now, those who invested in the pioneering software company Microsoft (or the major PC makers themselves – Apple, IBM, Dell, etc.) have increased their money by astronomical amounts – again, venture-capital-type returns!
Need a “for instance” or two from more recent times? Here you g
Digital Photography:Less than a decade ago, digital photography was virtually unheard of in the mainstream. And five years ago, digital cameras were super-expensive, difficult to learn to use and crude in image quality compared to traditional film. Yet today, digital shooting is cheaper, faster, easier and at least equal in quality – and will soon be more common than film. Almost all major magazines now shoot and print in digital. The movie industry is even beginning to transition to electronic imaging. Tomorrow, film will be extinct…
Artificial Intelligence: Once fodder for sci-fi movies (remember “Open the pod bay doors, HAL,” from 2001: A Space Odyssey?), real-life artificial intelligence made headlines in 1997 when IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer crushed the “unbeatable” chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov in just 19 moves. Nowadays, AI computers outdiagnose seasoned MDs, outpilot trained military aviators and outperform veteran stock analysts in the markets. Tomorrow, AI will do our driving, flying, banking and much of our communicating for us…
Genetic Engineering: Again, a longtime favorite of science-fiction novelists (H.G. Wells published The Island of Doctor Moreau in 1896), genetic engineering went mainstream in 1984, when the first mammal, a lamb, was cloned. Now genetic engineering has enabled scientists to defeat some tough diseases. Tomorrow, it will render birth defects a thing of the past and enable us to grow spare body parts…
Can you imagine what a ground-floor investment of just $1,000 in the No. 1 innovator in each of these fields would yield today – or a few years from now? At least $50,000. Probably more like a hundred grand, easily! This is exactly the kind of profit that a company with a history of patented innovation in life-changing technological arenas (like my Nordic chums RIGHT NOW) could yield for early-stage investors.
My point is this: Unlike the mainstream investment media (who tend to make their picks based on the extrapolation of obvious industry trends), 20-plus years in the trenches of technology have taught me not only the secrets to “reading the wind” of an industry for the subtle indications of future trends – but also to factor in those three key elements I told you about earlier (a soundly capitalized business plan; competent management; and marketable, defensible innovation) before making a pick.
Oh, there’s one more factor I forgot to tell you about. I’m almost embarrassed to mention it – because it flies in the face of all my MBA finance training…
Three years at one of the nation’s top business graduate schools taught me this about financial analysis: When it comes to emerging tech, most of the “conventional wisdom” about stock picking is absolute BS!
But I did learn something that is absolutely invaluable. When it comes to dealing with truly small companies that have emerging technologies (like the company I’ve been telling you about today) only one thing really matters: survivability.
Survivability is crucial. Does the company have a product or patent that will see the light of day? Does it have an experienced management team that has successfully brought emerging technologies to market before? And finally:Does the company’s stock have the ability to make you rich when it starts rising?
If I’m satisfied the answer is “yes” to all those questions, then I’ll be comfortable recommending an investment. But let me warn you right now…
Even when I make a new recommendation, there is a good chance you will have never heard of the stock. That’s OK – it’s even a good thing. I’m not chasing after the go-nowhere blue chip companies that have already had their days in the sun. I’m looking for the companies no one (not even Wall Street’s so-called experts) is looking at. The ones that are tiny but haveinfinite room to grow.
Most (if not all) of my picks have never been featured inThe Wall Street JournalorBarron’s. And that’s just the way I like it. You see, the average investor who reads theJournalnever gets rich. The people whoreally grow wealthyare the venture capitalists – the people who invest in a company and an idea BEFORE anyone else knows about it.
What single greatest advantage do venture capitalists have that you don’t? Hint: It’s not money…
Not directly, anyway. It’s the fact that venture capitalists see the good ideas first.
Sure, that’s because they have money to invest in unproven technologies. But the point I’m trying to make is that the money is only a means to an end. Being able to cherry-pick from the best and most viable (read: marketable, manufacturable and well-managed) ideas out there is what those vast sums of money actually buy a venture capitalist. Put simply, they get an early seat at the table.
So what’s the key to making picks on the stock market that yield returns only venture capitalists make? Thinking like they do. Instead of looking for investments that’ll merely double in value over the short term (that’s thinking like a day trader), venture capitalists are looking for a gold mine – they’re literally the forty-niners of the modern age!
They see potential where others see a quagmire. They see possibility where others see roadblocks. Most important, they know what can be successfully marketed and what can’t…
And they have the guts and foresight to invest in the Microsofts of the world before they go public. Before they get hot. And before the mainstream press starts crowing about them. That’s what their “venture capital” is really buying them: the first look – and the opportunity to buy in at the ground floor.
And how do the best venture capitalists make outsized returns on investments year after year? They do things backward: Instead of trying to figure out which companies are going to do well today, they figure out where the mega-trends in technology are leading us and then look for today’s companies best suited to take them there. So do I.
Now, think about this: What if a limited-capital investor (like you) were to have this same access to the universe of emerging technology ideas – and knew exactly how to discern the wheat from the chaff, so to speak? If he acted fast and decisively, he’d be able to get venture-capitalist-type returns, even on publicly traded stocks…
But without risking millions of dollars!
That’s exactly the mission of my newsletter,The Emerging Capital Report:to teach you to think like a venture capitalist in technology so you can make obscene gains without the sheer magnitude of money at risk. And remember, this newsletter has been on the cutting edge of new tech investment for years – and we’ve got the track record to prove it, sometimes yielding readers who take our advice as much as 400% in mere months!
How can I offer my readers this? Because I’m obsessed, which makes it easy for me to remain focused and dedicated (it isn’t really a job for me – more like a compulsion) to the one slice of the investment universe that’s driven me every waking moment for the past 20-some years: Emerging technology.
On top of a FREE Special Report on the tech stock of the decade, I want to give you a FREE primer on the market segment I know better than anyone else…
Do you long to put your money into play in the most explosively lucrative sector of the investment world – emerging technology – but don’t know enough about it to be confident in your picks? You’re not alone…
It’s easy to get yourself up to speed, though – at least enough to understand what makes an emerging tech company or stock a good bet or not. All you need to do to get a solid handle on the sector is to read my Special Report on the top three emerging technology applications for the future – both near and far. Entitled Three Technologies That Will Transform the World, this Special Report is yoursFREEwhen you subscribe to the very best monthly source of emerging technology news and investment alerts:The Emerging Capital Report.
Covered in this newFREESpecial Report are:
1. Nanotechnology:These are molecular-sized machines and materials, able to do at the atomic level what has traditionally only been done on a macro scale. Consider these applications:
- Molecular surgeons: Too small to interfere with your heart, miniature robots will soon travel the bloodstream, trimming arterial cholesterol or calcium deposits so they can be flushed away by your blood
- Microtools: Imagine implements small enough to fix or adjust intricate mechanisms (like pacemakers or cochlear ear implants) at the molecular level, wielded by tiny robot “mechanics.” They’re coming, and soon
- Rock-hard coatings: Nanotech applications now being perfected can cover glass with a microscopically thin coating of diamond – invisible to the eye, yet super hard. Airplanes and cars will soon be safer as a result
2. Space Development:All progress is in large part based on advances in transportation – our country’s Western expansion was greatly accelerated because of the invention of railroads. Now we stand on the threshold of some advances that make trains look like snails creeping across a tree stump and the vast West seem as small as a backyard pati
- Flying cars: Remember the Jetsons? Well, flying cars are being made one at a time by a little-known public company. Soon, they’ll be populating our skies, making traffic jams a thing of the past. Henry Ford even predicted it in 1940
- Economical space travel: A collection of cutting-edge technologies is about to make this possible. Just this year, the first privately funded space mission successfully landed! Where will we go up there? To the new, mind-boggling…
- Cities in space: One of the reasons we’re all inevitably “outward bound” is the dwindling reserves of energy and mineral resources here on Earth. But in space, mineral riches abound in vast asteroid belts – which can be effectively mined by focusing the sun’s power on them! Vast orbiting cities in space will soon develop and flourish to service these mining and energy industries. Learn why a budget-hotel billionaire and an airline mogul both have their eyes on this very prize, having committed $50 million and $100 million, respectively. When you sign up for The Emerging Capital Report, I’ll tell you everything about this amazing, and potentially lucrative, venture
3. Future Energy: I speak of “future” energy, rather than alternative energy, because a lot of “alternative” energy isn’t very high tech, nor will it make much of a difference in how we live – or in the global economy. Here’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about:
- Nuclear fusion: Called “tomorrow’s trillion-dollar industry,” one revolutionary approach to nuclear fusion has already achieved a billion degrees Celsius in tests under a NASA contract. I personally know the CEO – and can tell you this is NOT some government boondoggle approach that’s always 20 years away. This will happen in your lifetime
- Solar power done right: Out in space, where sunlight’s not filtered by the energy-robbing atmosphere, a single solar panel group could replace two conventional power plants – with no pollution (the U.S. Department of Energy has said this is totally viable)
- Cold fusion: A little-known U.S. Naval Research Laboratories report tells how this technology can help solve the world’s energy problems. Learn why two top NRL scientists are calling for a multimillion-dollar, multiyear project to develop this technology
If these concepts sound far-fetched to you, imagine what people must’ve thought in Kitty Hawk, N.C., when they first caught a glimpse of Wilbur and Orville Wright’s weird “flying machine.” Then imagine what they must’ve thought when they saw it rise into the air…
These are the kinds of life-changing innovations I’m going to tell you all aboutFREEin Three Technologies That Will Transform the World – and the kinds of things you’ll read about every month in the pages ofThe Emerging Capital Report.What’s more, you’ll find out about them in time to invest before the mainstream headlines cause stock prices to skyrocket!
You can count on only one thing when it comes to technology: It advances. You can do nothing and be rolled over by it – or join me and roll with it to incredible gains of 10,000% or more…
Computers. High-tech pharmaceuticals. Genetic engineering. Data mining. Artificial intelligence. Future energy. Biotech. Information management. Transportation. Virtual reality. Space. Weapons systems. Nanotechnology.
Advancements in all these fields and more march relentlessly onward and exponentially faster with each passing year. Like it or not, technology is the future – and technology investment is the future of wealth…
The experts, the mainstream press and world-renowned statesmen agree with me on this point…
“Stunning breakthroughs in nanotechnology are going to transform the future of our economy and make early investors rich.”
–Forbes/Wolfe Nanotech Report“New discoveries in data storage and biotechnology could double your money in the next 6-12 months.”
-Forbes“The problems of the world…will be solved not by politicians, but by technology.”
-Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres“Nanotech is destined to transform everything from medicine and electronics to transportation and pollution control…all of industry is in its path.”
-FORTUNE“We’ll see 1,000 times more technological progress in the 21st century than we saw in the 20th.”
–Ray Kurzweil, inventor and MIT scientist
They also realize that the heart and soul of emerging technology development beats not in the cavernous complexes of the Microsofts and Googles of the world – but rather in the cramped garage-type labs of the newer, hungrier entrepreneurs who rely on venture capital to launch and sales of public stock to grow.
The bottom line (in more ways than one) is this: Now more than ever, limited-capital investors like you need a source of information you can trust to keep you abreast of what’s breaking news – and what’s breaking the bank – in the emerging technology sector. Information that’s as close to “insider” as you can legally get…
That’s what I can offer you with my newsletter,The Emerging Capital Report.
How? Because after 20 years in the technology trenches as both an innovator (I’ve worked in energy, electronics, software, Internet applications, fusion projects, nutraceuticals and other endeavors) and as a paid consultant to some of the world’s top tech innovators, I’ve got the connections mere journalists don’t…
In other words: I know people like world-renowned inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, a Nobel laureate economist, and a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy. I’ve got connections on both sides of the tech-investing fence: The money side and the science side. My contacts include a veritable “who’s who” of scientists in the chemistry and physics communities…
And they all TALK to me.
Plus, I attend just about every cutting-edge technology conference and gathering in the free world, no matter how obscure. That’s how I discover companies like the Icelandic wonder I’ve been crowing about for the last 20 pages. These are the kinds of incredible opportunities for profit you’ll discover for yourself once you sign up for your no-risk subscription to my newsletter.
Again, bottom line: My unique perspective on and passion for emerging technology is the reason you’ll find information in The Emerging Capital Report that you won’t find anywhere else – insights that flirt with being “insider” tips. You’ll also get at least one new tech stock pick every month – along with all the analysis and data you’ll need to make your decision.
Don’t forget that over the last two-plus years, our recommendations have risen as much as 400%, 371%, 244%, 240%, 185%, 141% and 300%. But the company I’ve just told you about could blow those out of the water…
If you somehow got tomorrow’s newspaper on your doorstep every day, what would you do with the information inside?
There used to be a TV show in the late ’90s called Early Edition. It was about a guy in Chicago who inexplicably got the following day’s paper every morning on his doorstep. What did he do with a gold mine of information like this? He went around saving people’s lives, instead of investing in the next day’s hot stocks (ironic, too, because his character was a stockbroker)…
Noble, yes, but not so good for the bottom line, huh?
I’m reminded of the show now because a colleague of mine recently describedThe Emerging Capital Reportas “like getting next month’s big tech story today.” That’s exactly my goal: to give my readers tomorrow’s Microsofts and Googles while they can still get in early enough to reap venture-capitalist-type returns.
You see, what I’ve learned in more than two decades of making a living in emerging technology is this: Given the right kind of information early enough, anyone with a few thousand to invest can capitalize on the kinds of returns only investment bankers ever get to see. All it takes are the right facts at the right time – and the ability to see where the money’s going to come from…
In other words: The ability to think like a venture capitalist.
My newsletter,The Emerging Capital Report,can teach you how to do exactly this – without having to spend 20 years immersed in technology, as I did. More like 20 minutes each month reading the newsletter…and you’ll know as much (if not more) about tomorrow’s hottest tech stocks as most mainstream technology journalists…
And all for far less than what you’d pay for a meeting with a venture capitalist. That’s right,just $1,000 a year (only $260 if you sign up for our special cancel-anytime Quarterly Auto-Renew subscription)gets you:
- 12 issues ofThe Emerging Capital Report, with at least one new emerging technology stock pick every month that has the potential to yield returns that would rival a venture capitalist’s
- Special Report #1: The Nordic Miracle Worker: Make 50 Times Your Money as This Company Unlocks the “Secrets of Life”, in which you’ll learn all about the Icelandic company that could give you back 50 times your money – but we’re predicting at least 1,000% as a worst-case scenario. Remember, if any one of this firm’s trifecta of advancements takes off, even a minimal investment should multiply dozens of times over
- Special Report #2: Three Technologies That Will Transform the World, giving you advance notice of a trio of right-around-the-corner technological advancements as big as or bigger than the computer, with what are likely to be incredible opportunities for profit if you get in early
- Weekly e-mail alerts, giving you FREE analysis of the emerging technology markets, plus buy and sell recommendations you won’t find anywhere else
- Access to our members-only Website, offering you a complete archive of The Emerging Capital Report newsletters and e-mail alerts, plus an up-to-date track record of our stock recommendations
Once again,you’ll get all of this for just $1,000 for a one-year subscription. Or you can lock in our low quarterly auto renew price at just $260.
We’ll simply bill your credit card every quarter until you tell us to stop. You’ll never have to worry about the price rising or receiving any pesky renewal notices, either…
And you won’t find a better price. A single meeting with a venture capitalist can easily cost you$195 an hour.And withThe Emerging Capital Reportyou get the same level of service for a fraction of the price.
Why so comparatively cheap?
Two reasons: First, I want to make sure as many people get this breaking technology news as possible, since the success of the companies I’m going to tell you about will fuel the advancement of vital technologies that much faster, making the world a healthier, wealthier, safer and more enjoyable place…
And yes, giving me even more to obsess (and write) about.
Second, by offering such an accessible price on information only venture capitalists normally get to see, I’m stimulating investment in emerging technology and putting the profits in the hands of the limited-capital investors this technology will ultimately serve. In other words, I’m trying to give something back to the industry that’s been my lifeblood for more than two decades.
And since it all comes with my 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee (you keep the reports!), you risk nothing by giving this a try. Even if you change your mind after the first month, you can still get all your money back on all remaining unmailed issues.
But I do have to warn you: The price of a subscription toThe Emerging Capital Reportcould rise to $2,000 soon. You see…
The companies I follow are small – tiny even. That means they are undiscovered by 99.99% of all Wall Street analysts. And it also means the companies I recommend still have the opportunity to grow into megacompanies – I’m talking 50 to 100 times over.
If I let a million people joinThe Emerging Capital Report,our advantage over the rest of Wall Street would be gone. And I won’t let that happen. So the easiest way to make sure we keep our advantage (and your chance to make 50 times your money or more) is to raise the price.
If you act now, you will lock in our best price – guaranteed.
Plus, by delaying now, you could miss out on a ton of profits from this Nordic company I have been telling you about. That would be a shame!
The soon-to-explode Nordic company I just revealed to you is ONLY ONE of the incredible opportunities for profit you’ll find in The Emerging Capital Report– but only if you hurry
The Icelandic gem I’ve just told you about is one of the juicy tech picks you’ll discover in The Emerging Capital Report – sign up and you’ll get dozens more just like it…
But this pick is definitely one of the most urgent. You’ll remember the reasons why:
- It’s already in major partnerships with drug giants Roche and Merck, with more likely on the way
- It’s just recently landed a $24 million disease research deal with the National Institutes of Health
- Millions of shares of its stock are being bought and held by some of the biggest institutions and funds on Wall Street
- It’s got a potentially world-changing, billion-dollar-a-year heart drug in late-stage FDA trials – and has already named it one of the top 10 new heart drugs to watch
- And most importantly: Big Pharma is facing its biggest fiscal challenge ever – one that could be completely nullified in the future by this wonder-firm’s genetic technology
All of these things are BIG NEWS. It may be only a matter of weeks (or days) before everyone from The Wall Street Journal to the Walla Walla Weekly picks this company to be the next Schering-Plough or Pfizer – which it most surely will be. But by then, the price will have already jumped, and it’ll be too late to cash in on the 10,000% gains or more I’m sure this stock’s destined to return in just the next few years…
And remember: The worst-case scenario for this stock – if it never sells a single pill – is still a likelytenfold increase in your moneyas drug makers scramble to save billions of dollars by adopting its patented drug trial methodology. I really don’t see how anyone could lose on this innovative pharma-tech firm. Even if it only makes 1,000%, it’s still “one for the books” in anyone’s investing lifetime – and even if you only invested $100 in the company, the yield would pay for your subscription many times over.
But if this company does what it should, it’ll go down in history as the medical industry’s Microsoft. Meanwhile, you’ll be relaxing on a beach somewhere, laughing, because you saw it coming – with a little help fromThe Emerging Capital Report,of course.
So if you’d like to learn to think (and profit) like a venture capitalist…
And be a savvy player in a mind-bogglingly profitable market segment you may never have dreamed of investing in…
Plus, be among the first to discover a whole new world of technology that’ll change all our lives for the better…
Pass this offer up, and the only thing you risk losing is the chance to make 20, 50, even 100 times your investment!
Sincerely yours,
Jonathan Kolber
Editor, The Emerging Capital Report
March 16, 2006