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Currently Browsing: Nilus Mattive

About Nilus Mattive:

Nilus began his professional career at Jono Steinberg’s Individual Investor Group, where he published his original research through a regular investment column. Later, he worked for a private equity business and spent five years editing Standard & Poor’s flagship investment newsletter. He’s the acclaimed author of The Standard & Poor's Guide for the New Investor, which was published by McGraw-Hill. It’s since been translated into Chinese. After leaving New York City, Nilus formed his own multi-million firm to produce and publish independent research with hundreds of thousands of Americans. He became a widely-recognized expert on income investments and retirement strategies, and built up an enviable ten-year track record of winning ideas. His research and analysis has appeared on a number of investment websites, including BusinessWeek, Dow Jones’ MarketWatch, and Fox News. He has discussed dividends, income investing, and personal finance matters on popular investment shows such as Traders Nation, Invest Express, Wall Street Shuffle, and Money Matters. At the age of 39, he decided to retire to a quiet life in Santa Barbara with his wife and daughter. He spent his spare time surfing up and down the California coast. At the urging of his followers, Nilus’ came out of retirement in 2017 to become the director of The Rich Life project.

Articles By Nilus Mattive: