Shifting Targets in a Declining Empire

This empire thing…it’s going to be fun.

In the Roman collosseum, for example, the emperor got to decide who lived and who died. He put his thumb up…and the gladiator was spared. Thumbs down…and it was the coup de grace.

He could also issue death warrants for anyone — even his own family. Claudius did so on his own wife (she had it coming…).

And now…is it so different? Emperor Obama issues death warrants…no trial…no charges…no evidence…no muss, no fuss. Thumbs down. Then, zoom…kapow…a drone takes out the target.

Some commentators were outraged when Obama murdered two US citizens. Shouldn’t there be some due process of law, they wondered? Isn’t that was a ‘government of laws, not of men’ is all about?

But the critics should relax and enjoy the show. The best part is still ahead. It shouldn’t be too long before people in the US itself are targeted. They will be called ‘domestic terrorists.’ No evidence will be supplied. Providing evidence would compromise national security!

The first targets will be shadowy, marginal people. Then, the killers will become bolder. They will target better known people, who will be charged with being “traitors.” That is always the charge; one that is almost impossible to refute. Media critics. Rival politicians. Troublesome family members. Once the emperor, oops…president…with his death panel…can decide who lives and who dies, it is only a matter of time until many more people are killed.

And who will complain? Not the millions on food stamps…disability…unemployment… Not those with subsidies and fat tax breaks. Not those who got bailouts…or those with military contracts. Not government employees…or retirees on Social Security. Not the zombies; they know which side their bread is buttered on.

Even those who are not supported by the government directly will dare not speak out against it. Who knows; they might be the next targets.


Bill Bonner,
for The Daily Reckoning

The Daily Reckoning