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addisonwigginWelcome aboard! I’m The Daily Reckoning’s co-founder, Addison Wiggin.

At The Daily Reckoning, we’ve been providing independent financial forecasting and commentary since 1999 — longer than anyone else in the business, I’m proud to say.

Each day we take a fresh look at the world and the markets. We make an informed guess about where they’re headed, and alert you to ways we think you can protect yourself ahead of events. Our sole purpose is to help you profit from the deeper trends the mainstream press has overlooked — or won’t tell you about.

Our chosen metier is forecasting booms, busts and bad endings on your behalf. We’ll pat you on the back when you do well by them… and yes, we’ll also fess up when we make hash of it. It’s your money, after all.

And we like to do it all with a certain flair. We can be irreverent, ironic, even a bit naughty on occasion. If we can bring a slight grin to your face while giving you that critical insights you won’t find anywhere else, we consider it a good day’s work.

Nothing, or no one, is sacred. We won’t hesitate to point a mocking finger at the frauds, scalawags and numbskulls of the world, no matter how rich or powerful.

For over a decade and a half, we’ve worked hard to make these reckonings the most entertaining and informative 15-minute read possible — and still do.

We’ll be writing you six days a week, hopefully with one big idea each day. One idea to help you understand, and profit from (or at the very least, laugh at) the crazy worlds of finance, economics and politics. And we’ll show you how they all tuck together.

That big idea could be about anything from the latest advances in regenerative medicine, to what the Fed’s up to next, to the direction of gold prices or the future of energy — you’ll find it all right here.

We know the world of money isn’t just bankers, balance sheets and stock markets. Or energy and technology. It’s all these pieces together that make up the larger story.

To help us put it all together, we have the distinct pleasure of working with the leading minds in publishing, economics, finance, banking, natural resources, science, and even… (gasp!) government.

Our goal at The Daily Reckoning is to help you connect the dots between your bank account, the markets, and decisions made in Washington and elsewhere around the world.

To do so, we’ll write you each and every afternoon at approximately 5:30 p.m. ET. And we hope you’ll write us back with your feedback. It’s a two-way street around here, and we like to know what you’re thinking.

Be in your seat tomorrow at that time when we sent you your next episode.

Thanks again for joining us. We think it’ll be well worth your while.

We’ll speak with you tomorrow at around 5:30 p.m. ET.

Warm regards,
Addison Wiggin

Addison Wiggin
Executive publisher, The Daily Reckoning

It All Seemed So Simple in 1999…

Sixteen years ago, The Daily Reckoning was the first of its kind — a free financial e-letter bucking the analysis and advice of the mainstream financial press. We called it first and called it right when we said the U.S. was headed for a major financial crash.

Fast-forward to present day, and a lot has changed. There’s a whole cottage industry producing financial forecasts, gloom about the end of America, predictions of financial collapse and the demise of the dollar. Simply put, there are more opinions, analysis and information for you to turn to than ever before.

But 99.9% of that information leaves you knowing less about how to safely build your wealth, rather than more.

Today, the average American has access to such an abundance of useless facts and senseless data that everyone knows everything and almost no one knows anything.

Think about the knowledge you glean from a cable news network like CNBC or CNN.

By the time you hear the day’s investment ideas on CNBC’s Mad Money, those plays are too expensive. The real money has already been made. That’s because just about everyone has access to mainstream ideas.

It’s only the ideas outside the mainstream — the ones that aren’t widely known — that can deliver you the biggest returns. That’s where we come in.

Since 2008, our forecasts have been featured by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, Fox Business and many other outlets. We like to think with good reason, too.

We accurately predicted that oil prices were headed to all-time highs when crude was just $55 per barrel.

We beat the mainstream by four years, forecasting the ascent of biotechnology as well as personalized and regenerative medicine. We even called the advent of 3-D printing when you could still fit the whole “maker movement” in your living room.

Among the cast of characters whose insights will hit your inbox each day are a Harvard-trained geologist, a self-made billionaire, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, a former White House Budget Director under President Reagan, an ex-banker to the presidents and the CIA’s currency war analyst.

There’s no shortage of ominous economic indicators, hilarious public policy snafus and Wall Street chicanery to alert you and our 250,000 other readers to. So we continue to do so — in the form of market-leading newsletters, international best-selling books and critically acclaimed feature documentaries, like I.O.U.S.A.

Like any prognosticators, we get it wrong sometimes. But that just proves we’re human. (Although our forecast track record is pretty impressive.)

We don’t have a crystal ball — and we wouldn’t want one. (Where would be the fun in that?)

We can’t tell you the exact moment of the next stock market crash, pinpoint the weekday that the Federal Reserve will finally be defrocked of its exorbitant privilege, or reveal when the dollar will cease being the world’s reserve currency.

What we can do is take a different approach than what you’ll find within the pages of The Wall Street Journal. We go deeper than simply reporting the events of the day. We bring it back to you.

“Part of the world of money,” Agora founder and former Daily Reckoning editor Bill Bonner told us recently, “is not directly related to money; it’s about people.”

“How people live, how they think, what they think about.”

“And it’s all those things that give meaning to money.”

What Daily Reckoning Readers Are Saying

“A whole generation or two of investors, intellectuals, journalists and citizens of the world have been raised on [The Daily Reckoning‘s] writings,” writes Jeffrey Tucker.

“They are compelling not because they are ideologically driven or splashy, but because they are independent-minded and infused with vast knowledge of history and philosophy and take a perspective that disregards the opinion cartel. That is to say, they are eye-opening and provide a completely different look at the world.”

“Read The Daily Reckoning! You won’t find any group thinking there, I promise you.”

–Mark Ford

“I like your style and rational thinking. Good work. You make more sense in one email then a month of CNBC.”

–Ken Krefetz

“You are probably used to receiving nice notes about the D.R., but in the event you are not — let me tell you, sincerely, that it is the highlight of my day. I’ve been wanting to drop you a note on the DR ever since I have become addicted to it. Keep it up, it is worthy material.”

–David Galland, Managing Director, Casey Research

“I don’t believe I have ever read as succinct and exacting a discussion on the interrelationships of violence, governments, politics and democracy as that served up on your [recent] DR. Your usual commentary, while always engaging and worth my time, achieved in this case a superlative in clear thinking (in style as well as content).”

–Jeff Baker M.D.

“My problem is I love The Daily Reckoning‘s message. It is the first thing I read on the internet each day. I haven’t made a cent from it but it sure has helped with an overall perspective. The one thing I can say is there is a huge need for objective evaluation of what is at work in the world today and what its significance is. I really haven’t been able to find objective evaluation until [The Daily Reckoning] helped me see the big picture.”

–Dan Hayes

“I want to thank you again for The Daily Reckoning. I share it with my daughter, a freshman in college and my wife and I feel it gives her a mature perception into the world around her. Parents can try all they want, a little reinforcement from your beautifully written newsletter is appreciated beyond words. Occasionally, you mention shortening the length. Please don’t. You may think it rambles or that we might not be interested but a beautiful painting extends all the way to the edge of the frame.”

–Allen Adams

“Your daily emails always serve as a sign of sanity in a crazy world, especially when you pop the pretentious bubbles of modern culture. I enjoy getting your timely and engaging views on a daily basis.”

–Mike Randolph

“I enjoy your daily columns, comments and information. Such intelligent, rational and articulate words are quite rare on the web.”

–Wm. A. Leavell, PhD

The first thing I hear when I come up from my office downstairs is, “did The Daily Reckoning arrive yet?” My wife thinks it’s the best thing since the internet, me too!

–Jack Cheshire

“Just wanted to say a big thank you for such a well-written, (and free, yet!), witty, fact-filled newsletter.”

–Tim M. Bella

“I have to tell you, I just love your daily digests honestly, they are the first thing I read in my batch of emails.”

–Barbara Hall

“I truly like your letters. It’s the only one I read every day. Actually look for it! Thank you.”


“Thanks for the provocative words — I find myself spending less time with the mainstream media and more with the DR.”

–Paul Edwards

“I have only recently started getting your Daily Reckoning. This is just to let you know that there is someone out here who greatly enjoys it. Biggest compliment — I read it in the morning when I am awake, and don’t hold it to the evening when I can only handle mindless matters.”

–Derek Ellis

“Your style is so personal and down to earth, it is difficult to remember your audience is bigger than just me!”

–John Babbs

“I would happily pay for this absolutely delightful philosophical, cultural, intellectual, humorous and exceptionally well written newsletter. I’ve saved every one since I subscribed. How special this service is.”

–John Bowers

“It is great to read about the world we live in via your insights. [There is] nothing like this in the Mass Media here in the United States. Keep up the great Daily Reckoning, it’s about the only reason I get on the Internet.”

–David R. Yood

“Enjoy your daily comments more than a lot of stuff in some of the letters to which I subscribe. Good clear thinking and plain writing. Thanks a lot for sensible and timely outlook.”

–Edith del Junco

“Your daily communique is awesome! Of the 12 financial resource reports I get each day, yours by far is the most useful and concise. Your email is a welcome part of my day.”

–Timothy S. McFadden

“I enjoy the thought-provoking editorials and news updates. You have the “ring of truth” about what you say.”

–Harlan Stratton, MD

“I admire the background and thought put into the DR. I truly appreciate your grammar, wit, and general education you put into the DR. Keep up the good work and first class standards.”

–Chuck Jendel

“I also like your irreverent, fresh perspective on politics, the market, and life in general, and I appreciate your dry sense of humor. I keep tuning in while deleting without reading about half of the other email I routinely get. It’s kind of addictive, really.”


“I have just received my very first transmittal from The Daily Reckoning. Kudos — what a refreshingly witty, erudite, finger wagging, sensible and insightful piece. This will be one of the very few emails to which I shall look forward.”


“I thoroughly enjoy your Daily Reckoning and have quite unabashedly become addicted to your mental agility. You fall into the category of Mencken and Buckley and other essayists of whom I have the highest regard.”

–Robert Orr

“I only recently got on your daily email commentary list. I wish that had been much earlier. I consider your commentary and side references most valuable, in fact, your email is a highlight of my day. Thanks for your email service and I hope that you will continue it and your cogent, realistic commentary into the future.”


“I have thankfully been getting and reading your letters and think very highly of them and do not feel that you have wasted any of my time. I even have my wife and daughter read them daily. I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to read your daily letters as there is almost no one in the normal world that is thinking today.”

–Al Adams

“I believe I am addicted. Today is the first day I did not receive The Daily Reckoning and I happily admit I have missed it. Hope to read it tomorrow.”


“I love hearing from you on a daily basis. This has been a wonderful add on to my newsletters. Thank you very much.”


“Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate The Daily Reckoning. Your insight into what is happening in the world is very helpful.

–Peter Scott

“I absolutely love and enjoy the newsletter. It has some of the best commentary and opinions. It is actually better than some of the newsletter that I pay to get.”

–Joe Gesualdi

“Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy your daily letter! I find myself agreeing with almost everything you say, which worries me! Your Daily Reckoning is something I look forward to every day!”

–B.T. Chrobok

“I suppose what I’ve enjoyed most from The Daily Reckoning is the ‘bemused’ and skeptical attitude towards the everyday market and his ability to evaluate the daily nonsense in the clear light of his own values. I find that not many can do that. They’re willing to stand apart from the crowd and point out that the emperor is, well, ah, er, naked.”


“I enjoy reading your piece each morning. Your insights have a refreshing depth.”

–Andrew Smith

“…I appreciate having information to start the day. I find The Daily Reckoning to be insightful and cuts to the chase with a minimum of verbiage.”

–Raymond J. Brown

“I find your daily comments extremely interesting since it is rare to find a source of information that provides a historic and present day world perspective.”

–Andreas Taeubel

And here’s what the media has said about The Daily Reckoning

“The Daily Reckoning is a freewheeling Web site for libertarians, gold bugs and doom enthusiasts of every stripe. And for good reason.”

–Stephen Metcalf of The New York Times Magazine.

“I am also a fan of a more modest site called The Daily Reckoning, an always interesting offering. The site’s daily newsletter, which is available by email, offers a charmingly mordant take on the stock news of the day, accentuated by philosophical maunderings.”

–David Futrelle of Money magazine.

“Back in 2000, The Daily Reckoning, announced their trade of the decade. It was a simple one: sell dollars, buy gold. It turned out to be a good plan. In 2000, you could buy an ounce of gold for $280 (the average price over the year). Now, it will cost you $1,115. At the time, they saw what most others did not.”

–Merryn Somerset Webb of The Financial Times

“If you want to be informed rather than disinformed, go to The Daily Reckoning website and sign up for the free Daily Reckoning letter. Consider buying several copies of this book (Dice Have No Memory: Big Bets & Bad Economic From Paris to the Pampas) and giving them to people who are open to actually understanding reality. They can read the book and become informed citizens, rather than disinformed sheeple. With knowledge comes power.”

–Mark Lamendola of Mind Connection

The Daily Reckoning can tell a tale with a point like few other sources. Its writers are just so gifted. You can read them in short pleasurable bursts in the evening, or on an afternoon with a nice glass of wine.”

–John Mauldin, author Endgame: The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes

The Daily Reckoning