BREAKING: CIA Insider Reports Collapse of International Monetary System Now Imminent


If you are at all concerned about the U.S. dollar or you own any assets (like stocks or bonds) priced in it, then an urgent new warning from Jim Rickards is worth paying attention to.

Mr. Rickards is well-known as a New York Times best-selling author and from his TV appearances, but his experience actually spans 35 years on Wall Street, and he still manages a hedge fund now.

Less well-known is his extensive work within the government, where he’s been an adviser to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees the NSA, the CIA and 14 other U.S. intelligence agencies.

He’s considered the world’s foremost expert on global banking and world currencies, and he’s predicting a collapse of the international monetary system that will ultimately lead to the death of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.


What will this mean for everyday Americans?

There will be a devastating stock market crash — this expert’s data show at least a 70% loss, practically overnight…

One in every two IRAs will be set ablaze…

And ultimately, the U.S. dollar will lose its coveted status as the world’s reserve currency as up to 80% of its value vanishes practically overnight.

Keep in mind, when the dollar tanks –any investment priced in dollars drops too — stocks, bonds, pensions, money market funds, Social Security and dozens of other popular investments.

Why is this currency crisis inevitable?

To put it bluntly, the same problems that caused the financial meltdown of 2007 are not only still present, but they’re worse.

Because there’s more fragility… more debt… more derivatives… and more leverage… the effects of the coming crash will be exponentially multiplied — so much so that even the Federal Reserve itself will need a bailout.

Jim Rickards insists that while his warnings are serious and the situation is beyond all repair, there is no need to panic.

Jim’s not one of those so-called “preppers.” He’s not buying a bunker and going into hiding. Quite the opposite, in fact.

There’s still time to protect your savings & even profit from the crash…

Mr. Rickards wants to show Americans how to not only protect their savings but potentially make once-in-a-lifetime profits as this crisis unfolds.

Jim is quoted as saying, “What’s critical during the coming crisis will be where you invest. Pick the right asset classes to park your money and you’ll do quite well. But if you pick the wrong investments, you stand to lose almost everything.”


To get the word out and warn as many Americans as possible to these dangers lurking in the financial system, Jim Rickards has released a new book, and for a limited time, it’s being made available FREE.

An independent financial research firm based in Baltimore, Maryland, called Agora Financial is publishing Jim Rickards’ new book, called The Big Drop: How to Grow Your Wealth During the Coming Collapse.

For a limited time only, if you are a U.S. resident, you can receive a FREE copy of his book that many experts are calling “the most valuable financial book in America.” Simply click below to visit the website for all the details.