Are Food Companies Risking Your Health for Profit?
By: Nate Rifkin, Laissez Faire
You’d expect to see these words on the cover of a Top Secret NSA file or a CIA dossier.
But that is NOT where we just found them…
According to Doug Hill, director of an independent research firm call the Laissez Faire Club:
“We’ve uncovered an internal document from food companies with files so secret that they’re labeled… ‘CONFIDENTIAL, READ AND DESTROY.”
“These documents,” Mr. Hill says, “prove the food we’re eating may be causing us and our loved ones to die early deaths, despite having some of the world’s best health care.”
You see, Mr. Hill has just released the most shocking condemnation of the food industry in the last 100 years.
This will change everything you thought you knew about the food you eat.
But I have to warn you…
What you’re about to discover may turn your stomach. However you MUST read on if you care about your health or the health of your family.
This message is simply too important to ignore. And it all starts with three simple letters: G-M-O.
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms, and in case you haven’t heard of them, they may just be the biggest health controversy in history.
According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, 70-80% of the foods we eat in the US contain ingredients that have been genetically modified.
So chances are you’re eating GMOs. But are they safe?
If you try to research the subject on your own, you’ll come across many different opinions.
Some people think GMOs are completely safe.
Others think they could be linked to terrible diseases, such as cancer.
The GMO issue is so controversial that in 1997 (when GMOs first hit the market) Fox news was forced to censor coverage of a related story.
After receiving a letter with threats of “dire consequences”, the TV network decided to never air the story.
They also fired two prominent investigative journalists for trying to report it.
Why all the controversy?
Well, GMOs are organisms that have had their DNA modified through genetic engineering.
This is often done by taking a gene from one organism and putting it into another one to alter it in a desirable way.
Is it safe to eat something that has been genetically modified?
Food producers and agricultural companies say GMOs are safe.
They’re also against labeling because they think it would increase prices while unnecessarily frightening consumers.
But most Americans don’t think GMOs are safe.
A Pew Research poll shows that 57% of U.S. adults think eating GMOs is “generally unsafe.” Also, according to an ABC News poll, “barely more than a third of the public believes that genetically modified foods are safe to eat.”
Some brands are already responding to concerns over GMOs in their products.
For example, Cheerios has removed GMO ingredients from its original cereal. And Chipotle announced recently that no GMOs will be used in its food.
Opponents of GMOs have raised concerns over health safety, like the possibility of an increase in allergies or worse diseases down the road.
An independent research group called the Laissez Faire Club is one of these opponents.
And they’ve recently released a new video to educate their readers.
I strongly encourage you to check out this shocking video. Then you can decide for yourself if GMOs are safe or not.